Chapter Two

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"Hapana!" Ono exclaimed one day when the Lion Guard was on patrol. "It's Janja! Over at Flat Ridge Rock!

"Ugh, not again!" Fuli groaned. "First jackals, now hyenas. I guess it's gonna be one of those days."

"Till the Pridelands end..."

"Lion Guard defend!"

Janja was interrupted from dragging a piece of carrion to the Outlands by the Lion Guard's catchphrase. Janja stopped, confused. Had his encounter with Kion been a dream? It felt so real. Kion knocked him to the ground. He felt the hyena's heart beating rapidly, and letting him know everything was okay, he smiled and winked. Janja smiled back, relieved. It hadn't been a dream! Janja got up and tried to playfully pin Kion, but the lion was too strong, and Janja soon found himself on his back again. Ono and Fuli were looking for other hyenas, and Beshte and Bunga were watching Kion and Janja. Beshte looked confused; it looked like instead of fighting, they were... playing? The hippo looked at Bunga, who had a smirk on his face. He saw it too.

Enough playtime, Kion thought. The Guard is watching.

"Get out of the Pridelands, Janja!" Kion yelled, trying to look angry.

"Ok, I'm goin', I'm goin'!" said Janja, catching on. The hyena ran back to the Outlands, and Kion watched him with a tiny smile.

"No other hyenas, Kion," Ono confirmed, perching on Beshte's back.

"Weird," said Fuli. "Usually Janja doesn't come by himself."

"Yeah, it is weird," Kion agreed, seizing the opportunity to go to the Outlands. "He might have another scheme planned. I'm gonna make sure he's really going back to the Outlands."

Kion ran in the direction of the hyena's home and slowed his pace to a walk when he was safely out of sight of the Guard. He spotted another piece of carrion. Since Janja didn't get to eat his meal due to the Guard, it was the least Kion could do to bring him something to eat. When he got to the volcano, still dragging the carrion, he called out for his friend.

"Janja? A little help here?" Janja came out of his den and saw the golden cub. He sprang up to help Kion. When the pair got the antelope inside the den, Janja said, "Dinner's here, boys! I'll be back soon, save some for me!" The clan greedily dug into the feast. Only Cheezi and Chungu thanked Janja. Seeing the concerned look on Kion's face, he said, "Don't worry, I'm used to it. Cheezi and Chungu will make sure there's some left for me."

Kion nodded. "C'mon, let's go to the Lion Guard Lair. It's dinnertime, so no one will be there."

As they made the journey, the two of them talked about anything and everything like they were long lost brothers.

Janja learned that Kion loved to swim and his favorite color was yellow. Kion learned that Janja liked to play games and his favorite food was antelope. He also managed to pry out the hyena's fear of scorpions.

"But who wouldn't be afraid of them?" said Janja. "Scorpions are dangerous. Common knowledge, really." Kion laughed at Janja's impression of the keenest of sight.

"So what else are you scared of?" Kion nudged Janja playfully. Janja stiffened.

"I ain't tellin' you nothin'!"

"Come on," Kion coaxed. "What's your worst fear? I'll tell you mine: I'm afraid to fail."

"Well that makes my secret fear seem pretty stupid."

"No fears are stupid."

"Ok, fine, you got it out of me. Ever since I was a pup, I've been terrified of thunderstorms." Janja looked away, embarrassed. They were at the Lair now. Janja didn't know how, but Kion had found some way to enter directly from the Outlands.

"Don't tell anyone about this secret entrance," Kion told Janja. "You're the first one I showed." Janja's heart tingled at the fact that he and Kion were the only ones who knew about the entrance. Kion swung some vines aside and entered the Lair, waiting for Janja to follow.

"Janja, being afraid of thunderstorms is completely normal, and not uncommon," The lion cub reassured the hyena. "Kiara's friend Tiifu is afraid of thunderstorms. So are basically all the zebras."

Janja smiled. Somehow he felt better knowing Kion didn't mind his secret fear.

"Wanna swim?" asked Kion.

"You know it!"

As the duo lounged in the pool, they continued talking. Kion told Janja the best places to get food in the Pridelands without being caught. In return, Janja told Kion the places to avoid in the Outlands. Eventually they stopped talking and just played in the water. Janja's stay concluded with a splash fight.

"One more thing: If you're not attacking every other day, the others will get suspicious. How about tomorrow at noon, at Big Springs?" Kion said.

"It's a date," Janja agreed. Kion's cheeks turned a little red at this.

"And bring other hyenas with you this time," said Kion. "The Guard was suspicious that you came alone,"


"You know how to get back?"


"Well, see you tomorrow!"

"See ya!"

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