Chapter Five

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"Everyone, everyone!"

"What is it, Ono?" said Fuli, lightly pushing Bunga off of her.

"Um, you might want to see this for yourself," Ono replied. "Come on, I'll show you!" The Lion Guard followed the bird into the Lair.

Bunga, Fuli, and Beshte gaped at the sight of Janja and Kion curled up together, sleeping.

"You think we should wake them up?" Beshte asked. Janja pulled Kion closer in his sleep.

"Nah, let 'em sleep," said Bunga.

"Looks like we don't have to," Ono observed. He was right. Kion was slowly opening his eyes. He caught sight of the Guard and gasped. The sudden noise woke the sleeping hyena.

"What is it, Kion?"

"Behind you..."

Janja looked behind him and saw the Guard. He leaped behind Kion, whimpering.

"It's not what it looks li-" Kion started.

"It's exactly what it looks like," Fuli interjected. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

Kion sighed. "Alright, here's how it happened. Remember that time I was worried about Janja because he looked scared? Well, he was. He was terrified of us. Every encounter with the Lion Guard was negative and gave him injuries. I felt bad for him, and suddenly realized how much I wanted to be his friend." Kion smiled at the memory. So did Janja. It was Janja's turn to tell the story.

"Kion taught me about the Circle of Life. I agreed to respect it. I've always wanted to, really, but other hyenas made me feel like I couldn't. My parents told me that lions were bad and hyenas were destined to be at the top, but lions took the throne. I believed it all. Until Kion. He taught me otherwise." The lion squeezed Janja's paw gently and took over telling the story.

"Janja and I started meeting up in secret sometimes. We had a lot of fun. We would swim in the lake, explore the Pridelands, and even plan attacks so you guys wouldn't get suspicious. I think the turning point in our relationship was when Janja got scared of a thunderstorm one night." Janja blushed. "We slept together in the Lair, just like today, and that's when I realized I was in love with Janja. I confessed a few days later. I was so happy when I found out Janja liked me too." the leader of the Lion Guard smiled dreamily before continuing. "Today, Janja was extremely stressed because his clan wasn't getting enough food. We came up with a solution and I comforted him. Pretty soon we fell asleep, and that's what led up to what you saw just now. A butterfly effect."

It took a long time for the Guard to say anything. Finally, Bunga broke the silence.

"Un. Bunga. Lievable! You have a secret relationship just like me and Fuli!"

Ono, Beshte, Kion, and Janja stared at him.

"Bunga!" Fuli hissed, going a dark shade of red.

"Oops!" Bunga said bashfully.

"Ok. Well. Aaaanyway," said Kion, prolonging the word. "I know Janja's always been our enemy, but I truly believe he's changed. He's funny and sweet and loyal to his clan. And he's a real softie once you get to know him."

"Kion!" Janja whined, a pink tint appearing on his face.

"And I-I love him," Kion finished, grinning at his mate. Janja smiled from ear to ear.

"I love you too."

Bunga sniffled. "It's just so heartwarming!" he said, crying dramatically into Fuli's fur.

"A love story right before our eyes!" Beshte grinned.

"Kion, if Janja makes you happy, of course we'll accept him as your mate." Fuli said.

"Yeah!" Bunga exclaimed.

"Any friend, or mate, of Kion's is a friend of ours." Beshte agreed. Everyone looked at Ono.

"Alright, alright," the egret said. "I'm glad you found a mate. "But I'll have you know, I suspected this from the very beginning!"

Everyone laughed. Kion was so happy the Guard accepted Janja. One look at the hyena told him Janja felt the same way.

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