Chapter Four

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"Janja," Kion whispered, shaking the hyena gently. Janja opened his eyes to see Kion smiling down at him. He yawned and stretched.

"How'd you sleep?" asked Kion.

"That was the best night's sleep I've had in a long time," said Janja. Kion glanced away, suddenly looking nervous.

"Janja, I have to tell you something," he said.

"What is it?" Janja asked, staring at the lion in concern.

"W-Well... you see, the thing is... I m-mean," Kion stuttered. Janja put an arm around him.

"There's nothin' to worry about, Ki," he said. "You know you can tell me anything." Kion blushed at the new nickname.

"Ok," said Kion, taking a deep breath. "I think I love you." Janja didn't even look surprised.

"I love you too, Kion." Kion was overjoyed. He tackled the hyena and gave him a big hug.

"So we're together now?" he asked.

"Heck yeah!" Janja responded.


"Janja!" The lion's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Uh... sorry Kion, what were you saying?"

Kion sighed. This had been going on for three days straight. "Janja, I'm worried about you," said Kion. "You look stressed. What's going on?"

Janja could see the worry in Kion's eyes and decided to tell him. "I didn't want to worry you, but my clan's not exactly getting enough food."

"Oh no,I'm so sorry," said Kion.

"It's not your fault." Janja was quick to reassure him.

"Is that all? I already have a plan. The wildebeest grazing grounds. No one goes there. You can hunt as long as you take a reasonable amount."

Janja's eyes widened. "Really? Thanks, Kion!" He said, hugging his mate. Kion smiled. "See? There was nothing to worry about. Wanna sleep here in the Lair tonight?"

Janja nodded and curled up next to Kion, who stroked his fur gently. "You need to relax, Janja." Kion said, scratching the hyena's ears. Janja's eyes drooped as he let out a content sigh.

"Who knew you were this soft and cuddly?" Kion teased. Janja growled softly, snuggling up to the lion and resting his head on his shoulder, proving Kion's point further. Kion smiled as he rubbed Janja's back. Soon, the pair drifted off to sleep, comforted by each other's presence. Little did they know, a certain egret saw the whole thing.

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