Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds Next Gen: Blow My Brains Out

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Picrew: picrew.me/image_maker/689163

Note: Does not take place in the same universe as "Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds Next Gen: Ghost". Alternate concept for characters and a what-if. Title comes from the song "Blow My Brains Out" because it's what inspired me to write this. Typed this out without reviewing. It's not finished, but I wasn't sure how to end it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


Sumire laughed at the TV as a shadow ran past the characters. Inés glanced at Seiji,the younger of the twins, who stared just above the screen.

The three were in the twin's living room, watching a horror movie that Inés couldn't even remember the name of.

'I should go home' she thought. She could already feel a familiar dull ache somewhere deep in her head.

A screech was heard to Inés' right and she felt Sumire's weight shift onto her arm while Seiji seemed to stiffen.

The red-headed girl clung to Inés' arm as she insisted that 'no she wasn't scared, just surprised'.

Inés could feel the headache coming as she awkwardly patted the girl's shoulder.

The credits rolled.

Seiji left to get something from the kitchen.

Honestly, it was just to calm himself down.

By the time the younger twin returned (in 5 minuets or so, Inés wasn't surprised. Seiji was always one to compose himself quickly compared to his older sister) Sumire had stopped clinging to Inés' arm and was sitting straight up.

"Already?" Sumire questioned. Inés nodded, she had just told her she was leaving.

'Better now, than later'

Seiji furrowed a dark brow.

"You're going to leave this late?"

Inés looked just by his shoulder.

"Yes, I should be going already, before it's gets darker. Have a good evening you two,".

"Now hold on,"Sumire stood up from the couch.

"Won't your guardians be worried if you walk alone?".

Inés walked to the door.

"No, I've walked home later than this. Don't worry, I'll text you when I get there,".

She opened the door, waved bye to the twins, and left without another word.


'I'm home'

As she'd said, Inés sent Sumire and Seiji the message that she'd arrived home.

She didn't bother to look for their response, which they no doubt had.

She collapsed halfway on a kitchen chair, her head laying on the table. The lights were on. Inés didn't bother to turn them off. She stayed in the kitchen, not moving, and went to sleep.


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