Yugioh 5ds Descendants

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Note: I don't know how to make titles so I just left it as Descendants. Originally it was meant to be another next gen, but it got changed to descendants. Again, typed out without really reviewing so it won't make much sense. Feel free to point out inconsistencies. This chapter is more of an introduction. Very short. Might make this it's own thing separate from this book.

Summary: Descendants of a group from a long time ago. Very vague.


Carmen Santos knew (saw and was, almost,) everything. (She was the result of an "affair"{Ryota Fudo and Maya Santos}, she was cursed from the start.)

Everything. What would happen, what should happen, what could happen. Even as her skin went from smooth to wrinkled and sagging, even as her nose began to droop, and even as their memory started to wither away, Carmen knew everything. Even if the others (Akiko, Lucio, Usagi) couldn't. Even if her own descendants (though one would try eventually {he'd cause, almost, everything}) couldn't. They knew (saw and was) everything. (Almost.)

Daichi Santos was simply himself. (Carmen, his half-sister, also was, only she possessed abilities that made it harder for her. He didn't, he was grateful.)

Daichi, hot tempered, stubborn, and resilient. Cousin of Robin Atlas. He saw it all (through his eyes, like the rest). When Carmen knew it was him who broke the window, when Usagi gave Akiko a scratch on accident, and when Akiko outed Lucio as the one who snitched Daichi out for sneaking out to meet up with a girl. And, before Daichi died, (a little old, frail and wrinkled, not like Carmen) he still refused. He refused help and only relented once Carmen told him to see his family. Nadia (his beautiful wife) had passed earlier, he wouldn't make the same mistake again.

Akiko Fudo, Carmen's half-sister (no one would ever know), a girl who felt everything, and child of Momo (nee Iwai) and Ryota Fudo (son of Seiji and Victoria Fudo {nee Atlas}). (A beloved sister, cousin, wife, grandmother, and soon to be great-grandmother)

Akiko would always stay being herself and refusing to stay ignorant about the past that shaped the present and eventually future. Even if she was afraid. She would live longer than Daichi, along with Sayuri, but not longer than Carmen (no one would). She'd live to see the announcement of her first great-grandchild and died peacefully in the arms of her wife.

Usagi Kawata, relative of sorts to all Akiko and Carmen, too fearless and loving (for everyone, even herself).

Even through arguments and fights, Usagi tried to understand. She'd later marry her tag duel partner who didn't mind her eccentric habit of dying her hair. They were a good pair and also lived until their 60's. Lucio had given a long speech as her family mourned. (Her great grand-father was the twin brother of Lucio's great grand-mother)

Lucio Nomura, distant cousin to Usagi, too kind and noble (to the life of others instead of himself).

Lucio never married, but he explored the world with Usagi occasionally joining. He'd traveled all over the world and competed in tournaments (like his great-granduncle), sometimes with friends or family. He only died after his return from South America in his late 60's. (Carmen counted that as a blessing, for Lucio began to forget and hallucinate.)

Both Lucio and Usagi had always lived to be role models of sorts for the next generation. (And that was good enough for them). (Carmen was proud.)

Robin Atlas, too stubborn and caring (for his own good {Probably because of the Hogan and Atlas blood in his veins}).

Robin (the last one to remain) would always remain stubborn and caring for others. Even as he too became old and grew grey hairs, Robin stayed happy and always, always, made sure to brag about the stunts he pulled off as a teenager. Later on, he'd ask for his parents and grandparents who would never appear. Like his great-grandfathers, he was surrounded by family as he passed on.

Sayuri Kyosuke, known from a past close family friend and Carmen and Akiko's close friend (later girlfriend).

Sayuri would always never be ashamed of her family. No matter how twisted it once been all those years ago (long before any of them were born). She and Akiko had lived a rather long (compared to the rest), happy life with their son, later granddaughters, and left soon after the birth of a great-grandchild.

(In one life, they all {minus Carmen} could've died in a Hail Mary. They should've just scattered around the world and lived however.)

(Compared to five millenniums, two centuries were nothing. A lot happens in a short time.)

And, despite being one of the oldest, Carmen was the one last to go.

Even after her child died, Carmen lived. Even as her grandchildren had their own children, she lived on. In her early 100's (long after Robin) she still told stories (stories that'd cause a conspiracy) about dragons and heroes and psychics. Only when her youngest grandchild's child's son was a young teen, did she finally pass on. (And even then, even though Carmen them self physically was no longer living, Carmen's tales would fuel an impersonator) Carmen lived enough to see one generation more than her own great-grandparents and nearly lived long enough to witness humanity's downfall.

But as it was, Carmen was cursed, and knew everything to come. (Almost. Even as Carmen went blind, numb, and finally deaf.)

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