5ds Next gen: Blow My Brains Out ll

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Blow My Brains Out but from Sumire and Seiji's perspective.


Inés was quiet, as always. Sumire couldn't help but think about it as she chuckled at the characters being oblivious to the passing shadow.

It was a movie night of sorts, a little thing Sumire and her twin Seiji did whenever there was nothing else to do. A little thing that they both invited Inés to because Sumire felt sorry for her (and Seiji but that moron wouldn't admit it).

Inés was just so....quiet. Even Seiji hadn't...

Sumire couldn't help but screech at the sight of the insect on the screen, clinging onto something for protect. That something being Inés' arm. The auburn girl didn't give a reaction as Sumire snapped at Seiji for saying she was scared.

He had the audacity to say that while running off the kitchen.


Sumire let go of Inés' arm and sat straight up as told Sumire that she was leaving.

"Already?" Sumire questioned. Was she annoyed at her? She does seem tired..

He matched Sumire's expression of concern, asking if she was really leaving. Inés simply said that she would be leaving, and wished them a good evening.

Sumire stood up from the couch, asking if her guardian would be worried. And Inés, in her typical impassive tone, just answered back in a "No" and that she'll let them know when she got back home.

Inés left without another word before Sumire or Seiji could stop her.


'I'm home'

Inés did in fact, let them know when she got back home.

For a girl who didn't talk much or express much emotion, Inés kept her word and remained honest.

(Or so Sumire and Seiji think. It was Inés, she wasn't a liar)

She also didn't respond to Sumire's message asking if she was okay.


Seiji actually knew of Inés since they were 13. He never talked to her and she never talked to him. Which, considering that he sat right behind her in some classes, was odd.

That all changed when Seiji got into a fight with a trio of idiots that resulted in him and the other two high schoolers going to the hospital. The adult man (why was he even involved with two high school kids anyway?)

Their interaction was short, him simply thanking her for helping his sister Sumire.

And then she left, not even being able to meet their parents who appeared shortly after she had left.

Seiji didn't really go out of his way to talk to Inés when he saw her at school. But if there was an assignment that required a partner, she was the first person he'd unofficially buddy up with.

He didn't talk to her and she didn't talk to him, as always. But they were left alone and got their work done.

And one day, Sumire saw her in public and yelled out Inés' name. Which must've been annoying, but Inés still walked over and listened politely.

And, Seiji would notice, Inés was always..alone. And seemed to avoid being around if the adults or large groups were nearby.

Which Seiji didn't really blame her for. Inés didn't seem to be the type to enjoy being around many people.

She also seemed to have the occasional headache, sometimes resting her head on her hand or zoning out when the topic was about parents and their recent activities.

(He had the feeling she was paying attention when talking about how their moms where)


Sometime... he would see Inés walking home after visiting someone. Or so Seiji guessed, because she never actually told him, but he would see her gaze linger back sometimes.

And he could see how she avoided being around or talking to Ushio, and old friend of Seiji and Sumire's dad.

Maybe she didn't trust authority? Wasn't unbelievable.

Seiji had a feeling it was a little more than that. But it wasn't his business. That was Inés business and hers alone unless she shared it.

(Like how she off-handedly mentioned how she missed her dad)

Really, Inés wasn't all that bad. She was quiet for sure and more inexpressive than Seiji, but she was respectful and hanged out sometimes.

Honestly, Uncle Crow just thought she was a little shy and wasn't sure how to actively express herself. Seiji's mom and dad thought she was lonely.

Maybe Inés was, Seiji never saw her interact with anyone at school. He never even saw whoever took care of her.

Well, she had them now.


Oddly, Inés was more likely to be around Sumire. Or well, more likely to be seen hanging out with Sumire.

Sumire is not ashamed to admit that she is outgoing and loud. And Inés never complained, not exactly.

Inés, auburn hair and green eyes, who was always quiet.

Inés who never spoke about her family.

But she was polite and listened to whatever Sumire had said about dueling Seiji or arguing with Leroy.

Really, Sumire was sure Inés spent more time with Seiji. Not that she ever saw them hanging out a lot, but they were both quiet and generally inexpressive so them being closer wouldn't be a surprise.

Regardless, Inés still spent time with Sumire whenever there was time. Often at the mall or some other public place where they would look around.

It was nice.


Sumire and Seiji had great parents. They are grateful for that.

So when they noticed Inés, who never spoke of her family and was never seen with any, they grew a little..worried. It was small things. Like her quietness, like her loneliness, and her seemingly ongoing headache. They all sort of picked up on it. First Aki and Yusei. It must of been obvious to Inés because she gave vague answers and avoided going out with the twins if she had an idea that the parents would be coming.

Vague answers on her mother (how she died, a freak accident), her dad couldn't be present (for what exact reason, she didn't say) and who exactly took care of her.

But, it was still something.

And that stopped all the little questions they all asked.


Seiji had stood by Inés as Regina and Sora dueled for a few minutes. He briefly thought over his next words, unsure of what to say to her.

Hesitantly he managed to say,"Sorry about your mom".

It was all he could think of. He was never sure what to say when it came to these kinds of things.

Inés didn't reply verbally, instead nodding.

Silently, the went back to watching the duel.

They stayed quiet about it even after the duel was over. 

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