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I like the word freedom
It's not just a word that's tossed around
It's a symbol
A dream
A passion
And for many in history, a hope that kept them going
Wings remind me of this
They free you from the earthy bounds of life
Allow you to reach new limits
Simply being a joy looking at the world above
For me, freedom is an impossible goal
One that I want and don't all at once
Because with freedom comes responsibility
You have to hold the standard
Show you can handle it
Show that you've grown up
That you're no longer leaning on those around you
But if I'm honest
I'm not ready for that
I'm not ready to let go
I'm not ready to give up the people I cherish when they unknowing keep me above the waters
So while I love freedom and wings
I'll settle for looking at the birds
Watching them enjoy their inherited freedom
And knowing that one day
I'll be okay
And I'll be ready to face the world
With all of the coincidences that come
As its double edged sword.

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