𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑

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Lorelei rubs Cerny's velvet nose as he nickers his pleasure while standing in front of the church in the Northeast Square, tacked and ready for the journey. Eber observes no fearful reactions to the soldiers' scent from the hitched team or Koza's grey cob. He gives little regard to Lorelei and Cerny's public display of affections. "Cerny, you are a good boy, yes you are. You are a strong stallion. Always first into battle, yes you are," she nuzzles her nose into the soft velvet of his.

Eber turns his attention on them. "Speaking to him like that will make him timid." He disparages the lovers.



She steps to face him eye to eye, then bends forward slightly and puts her hands on her knees. "Eber, you are a good boy, yes you are. You are a strong stallion. Always first into battle, yes you are." Eber stares at her vacantly. She straightens up and puts a finger to her lips. "Hmmm, you do not look timid to me." Cerny nickers behind Lorelei as Eber continues staring at her vacantly.

"Alright! Get it packed best you can." A middle-aged priest in a black cloak tells a handful of young men who by their attire seek to be respectable men of the cloth, but have become merely minions instead. The young men hoist absolute rubbish up onto the roof of the carriage.

Eber comes to the priest's side at the coach. "What is this?" the man's dark eyes give but a momentary look at the soldier.

One of the young men hands up a heavy gold seat plated with fine jewels to another young man on top of the carriage. "Take care with that!" the black cloaked priest barks. In their joint effort, the two young men manage the stool to the roof.

"What is this?" the Commander inquires more forcefully. The man turns without a glance Eber's way and begins to leave. Eber grabs the back of the man by his cloak and slams his face up against the coach, smashing his features rather unpleasantly. All look on at the sight of the Commander lending punishment, but only his men and Lorelei know the significance of his laying hands on a priest. If Eber burned from the touch of Lorelei's cross, then what sanctified potency will a priest have against him? "When I speak, you pay heed, or pay dearly." Of a sudden, there is a small burning pain that begins spreading in the hand Eber is using to force the priest to the side of the coach. As though putting his hand farther into the flames of a campfire, the burning pain grows the longer he holds the priest. Seeming to be ignoring the pain entirely, the Commander does not loosen his grip.

Lorelei, watching for the agony she knows Eber is dismissing, begins to part her lips and speak when a booming voice comes from the grand church steps. "That is enough, Soldat!" all turn to the man descending whose age is later forties. He wears robes of rich fabrics, colors of gold and cream. His hair is medium blond and cut short to his head with deep blue eyes that express loathing at every turn. When Ambrozij Kasimir reaches the bottom of the steps and halts at the carriage, he stands equal height with the Commander. He raises his head up and looks down his nose with the fingers of both his hands entwined as though his peace and serenity is supreme. "Kindly remove your hand from Father Andrea Biagio." Eber holds his gaze on Kasimir for a moment, then lets Biagio loose, the man straightening his attire in revolt.

The Commander pulls his paining hand somewhat behind him so as not to raise alarm should it show injury from touching the priest. "If you wish to get to Hieb in a quick pace, I would suggest you remove your refuse." He recommends.

Kasimir peruses up at the roof, then looks back to the man before him. "It is not refuse, they are all items that I need."

"For comfort or purpose?"

"Comfort is purpose, General," Kasimir informs the uncivilized barbarian commander.

"The horses will labor with the weight."

The head of the church walks by Eber and surveys the horse flesh, slapping a hand on the muscled shoulder of one of the drafts. As he turns to confront the soldier, his eye is caught by the familiar face of the woman. He pauses, surveying the woman's flesh, but refrains from a slap of his hand on her. "The horses seem strong enough to me."

Kasimir heads for the carriage door. "Now, no more discussions, let us be on our way." He makes for the coach door, which is hastily opened by Biagio.

The priest climbs into the coach and Eber passes a look to Thayer and Ermanno sitting atop the carriage ready to proceed, then gestures at Koza for him to mount his horse. As the men in the coach begin settling themselves, Eber opens the door wide. Lorelei lifts her skirt and enters the coach and takes a seat opposite the holy men, plopping her skirt and hands to her lap, and chucking a chipper look around. The men in the coach stare at her.

"What is the meaning of this?" Kasimir questions. With an uncaring stare, Eber shuts the door and mounts Cerny commanding the voyage to begin. With a lurch, the carriage starts rolling and eyes glance back and forth on the inside. "So, where are you headed exactly?" Kasimir speaks with a grumble as if fearing the answer.

She turns to him with a loving smile and loathing in her beautiful blue spheres of mischief. "Hieb." Kasimir lowers his head and flexes the stringy muscles in his jaw while staring at her from under his brow. "What is the matter your Holy Majesty? I remember a time when you sought my... company." A chuckle starts low in her throat and unsettles the thin faced man, which in turn puts Biagio on guard.

(A/N: How do you like this story so far, Lovelies?)

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