𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

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Ustrel – Of Bulgarian origin. An undead that preys primarily on cattle. It is known as the spirit of a recently deceased, unbaptized child. Supposedly, the creature rests in its grave for four days and nights, then rises to feed. Eating on separate victims each night, it no longer needs to return to its grave after the tenth person to die at its hands.

After leaving the city and being firmly set on their way, Biagio stretches his arms and removes the heavy black cloak in an attempt to be more comfortable. He reveals himself to be clothed in yet more black with a long sleeved fabric jerkin that if he were standing would hem at mid-thigh and a linen shirt with trousers that cover his booted shoes.

When he flexes the jerkin by reaching and stuffing the cloak in the storage below the seat, Lorelei catches sight of an accessory that is not of Holy make. He wears a slim dagger tucked within the jerkin which she slyly takes note of, then looks out the window of the coach. "Am I to assume it is by chance that you are traveling with Soldat to Hieb?" She turns to Kasimir who continues. "Or do you have a special reason you are here?"

She arches a brow at his attempt to be shrewd. "Make assumptions, your Holy Highness."

As the carriage rocks mildly back and forth along the tree lined path, their bodies sway, yet Kasimir's and Lorelei's interlocked gaze does not.

Four days later, the journey had so far taken the travelers deep into the forests of Der Vorfahr. Over bridges, through shallow streams, over hills and through dangerously narrow paths, they stayed focused in their long exhaustive adventure.

Biagio flops open a small map of Der Vorfahr and begins to study it. "Do you know where we are?" Kasimir sighs.

Using his finger as a pointer, Biagio replies, keeping his eyes entranced with the wandering lines that indicate mountains. "Let's see, we have traveled through the Alter Forest without consequence... and chose the Yore path to the right rather than Sowie to the left..."

"How much farther is it we have to go?" Kasimir takes a deep breath, dreading the answer.

"A ways."

As the clattering coach rounds a bend, they come upon a lone vardo wagon stuck in mud off the path with five gypsy men rocking and pushing in try to get it out. As Kasimir's carriage passes, Lorelei watches the scene with little note, then an idea flashes through her mind. "Stop the coach!" she yells out the window.

Recognizing her voice instantly, Eber halts Cerny and in turn what follows behind him. With a deep sigh, he stares down at the neck of his horse, contemplating the thorn that's going to be jabbed into his side. The Gypsy steps down out of the coach as Eber approaches. "What is it?" His tone is not happy while he remains mounted.

Lorelei looks up to him. "They are my people, Eber." She turns toward the group in need. "We shall help them."

Eber rests his hand on Cerny's withers with a stare. She glances to him and disperses her smirk, replacing it with raised eyebrows and a look that demands compliance. "Koza, Ermanno... go help her people." Cerny stomps a hoof on the ground at delay he now has to endure.

Koza dismounts from his horse and Ermanno, who's up by Thayer at the reins, hops off the coach in pursuit of the woman as she walks to the other gypsies. "My fellow Romani!" she outstretches her arms.

One of the men, Koza's height, but 10 plus his age steps up to Lorelei. "Greetings."

"Would you care for some assistance?"

"Unfortunately, it is a lost cause." He throws a hand toward the vardo. "I don't think the extra men will even help." He looks to Koza and Ermanno over her shoulder.

She smiles. "Let us see." She turns to the soldiers and points a hand to the wagon. "If you would?"

Koza steps up to one side of the back while Ermanno rounds to the other. "Don't forget to lift with your spine," Ermanno laughs. Koza sets Ermanno's stupid humor aside and counts down from three, then with Ermanno helping they push the wagon free from the mud.

The gypsies stand baffled at the feat. "It appears two more helped," She grins.

"Is there a way to repay you? In the vardo, I have some fine fabrics perhaps you would like."

With a tone that is more true to her, she says, "I have no care for fabrics, but to bring grief to one I dislike? That would be a good exchange." She narrows her eyes with a smile.

"Who do you dislike?"

"Ambrozij Kasimir. He is in that coach and those are his things upon it."

The man looks to the roof of the carriage, "He has riches like I have never seen."

Hushed, she continues to speak. "And to think all that guards those riches are four soldiers."

He turns back to her with a smile that says he is no fool. "But I have seen what two of them can do."

"They are the strongest. The one in the driver's seat is young, inexperienced, fragile, even afraid." She glances behind her to see Eber's watchful and annoyed eyes on her from atop Cerny. "And that one... incompetent."

The man surveys Eber closely. "I like his sword." Lorelei's eyes have a moment of betrayal to her play, the idea of that sword being a prize something she finds little humor in. "When he is dead, it will be mine."

"Dead?" she says with a touch of amusement.

"You say he is incompetent, then he will be easy to kill," the man grins.

"Yeees." Her tone grows a little more amused.

"Woman," Eber calls. "It is time we move." Cerny puffs a breath from his nose with dictation. With a last nod to the men, she departs to the coach and they continue on their journey.

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