Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard

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Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard was born on May 1, 2275 on Beltane Day for the glory of Odin The Almighty Father who rules the world with justice

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Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard was born on May 1, 2275 on Beltane Day for the glory of Odin The Almighty Father who rules the world with justice.  

On the day she arrived the bells toll throughout Norfolk Estate and they were joined by the bells of Bedford Territory where her third cousin, Lord Richard William Carey was Duke of Bedford Territory and Lord Thomas William Howard, was Duke of Northumberland Territory and they shard the same great-great-grandfather, Lord Frederick William Howard through one of his children, Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR rushes into where Lady Karissa is holding his golden hair heiress but his grandnephew, Lord David William Beck tells his granduncle, " I will bring your granddaughter out to you once I wash and dress her." 

"I have waited for 33 years for her arrival." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR exclaims.

"Lady Elizabeth was just born, my dear uncle." Lord David William tells Lord Charles Andrew JR.

"I swear I had three sons and only now I get a grandchild." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells Lord David William Beck.

"Uncle Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR. There is still time for Lord Charles Andrew III and Lord Patrick William to have their children." Lord David William explains.

"I kept praying and wishing it would happen throughout all the years of their marriages." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"You worry to much Lord Charles Andrew JR." Lord David William tells his uncle.

"I have to think of Norfolk Territory and what your great-great-great-grandfather started in 2165." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his grandnephew.

"It is a pity that my youngest brother didn't have a son first, than it would have gone to you." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his grandnephew.

"The only thing that keeps you from inheriting is the fact that my brother didn't have a son, and he just had one child and it was a daughter." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his grandnephew.

Lady Karissa hears it from her bed and she calls out  "What is this that I heard, Lord Charles Andrew JR. Lord David William Beck is eliminated just because your brother didn't have a son and a daughter disqualified him from inheriting the title?"

"Lord Andrew Charles. Get your damn ass in here." Lady Karissa calls out.

Lord Andrew Charles with Lord Richard William Carey and Lord Thomas William Howard walk into the birthing chamber  and he asks " What is it Lady Karissa??"

"Listen here. You are to place Lord David William Howard back into the line of succession." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"I can't do anything until we become Duke and Duchess of  Norfolk Territory. " Lord Andrew Charles explains

"When we do. The first you do is place Lord David William Beck back into the line of succession and who was also eliminated"{ Lady Karissa asks.

"Lord Frederick William Howard II family, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard's family and Lord Richard Edward Howard Senior family." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"Alright I want it this way.  Our children first,  Lady Patricia Charlene Howard's children second, Lady Charlotte Augusta Howard children third,  Lord Richard Edward Howard Senior children fourth,  Lord Edwin William Howard grandson fifth,  followed by Lord Frederick William Howard II son, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard descendant  seventh, Lord Andrew Charles Howard descendants eight. " Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"I will amend the act of succession - Our children and their descendants first,  Lady Patricia Charlene  Howard descendants second, Lady Charlotte Augusta Howard and her descendants third, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III and his descendants fourth, Lord Patrick William Howard II and his descendants fifth,  and then Lord Richard Edward Howard Senior and his descendants, Lord Edwin William Howard and his descendants seventh, and then Lord Frederick William Howard II and his descendants, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and her descendants, and Lord Andrew Charles Howard and his descendants." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa.

"I am satisfied with it damn your great-grandfather and grandfather." Lady Karissa states.

"Didn't they ever hear of  Kosem, Sultana Of The Ottoman Empire, Queen Elizabeth I of England, Queen Victoria of England,  Elizabeth of Austria, Catherine I and I of Russia.?" Lady Karissa asks.

  "No your great-grandfather and grandfather were nothing but male chauvinist pigs and who thought women should stay bear foot and pregnant." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"I didn't give birth to My daughter to be born into a broken family." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles. 

"Lady Elizabeth has cousins and I am sorry her two granduncles have passed away but she still has two uncles, two aunts, and two third cousins and one second cousin, and two first cousins once removed." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"Lady Elizabeth has cousins on her grandmother's side but they are Stuarts." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"They are still her cousins, Lord Andrew Charles." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I am sure she has cousins on her great-grandmother side, and great-great-grandmother's side as well." Lady Karissa explains.

"My sister, Lady Philadelphia Essex married Lord Louis Bourbon and she has third cousin once removed who are Bourbons." Lord Richard William tells Lady Karissa.

"Lady Elizabeth must not be cut off from any of her family." Lady Karissa tells everyone.

"The Howard men think they got here on their own accord without the help of their mother." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles  "I didn't know that you were asexual." 

"If that was the case why didn't you just reproduce yourself." Lady Karissa asks.

"Oh I forgot you need an extra chromosome." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"You only have two X and Y and I carry the other one." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles .

"It is too bad that you don't have all three of them and then you carry our next child." Lady Karissa tells him.

Lord David William Beck breaks out in laughter, "Well said Karissa."

"Thank you David William." Karissa tells him.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR is the first one allowed to hold his new granddaughter and while he holds her he starts to cry tears of joy and he kisses her and he tells his son " Take care of my heiress Lord Andrew Charles. " 

"I will father. She is my daughter." Lord Andrew Charles states and she came with a high price on her head." 

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard is the first of Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann five children.  

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard,  Sixth Duke of Norfolk TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now