The first Son, The Duke of Lancaster Part One

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Welcome to The  Part one of Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Sixth Duke of Norfolk Territory.  

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard is the third child and eldest son of Lord Andrew Charles Howard, fifth Duke of Norfolk Territory and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard nee Lowell, Marchioness of Pembroke Territory on Star Base 12.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard was conceived in September of  2279, and he would be born around Litha of 2280, and he would be the first of two sons of Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard nee Lowell.

He was the younger brother of both Lady Elizabeth and Lady Samhain, Duchess of Clarence Territory and also the second cousin of Lord Richard Edward Howard III, and he was the first cousin of Lady Autumn Bridget and Lady Charlotte Victoria Maud Howard and the third cousin of Lord Richard William Carey and Lord Thomas William Howard and first cousin twice removed of Lord Richard Edward Howard II and Lord Frederick William Howard III.

After three tries, Lord Andrew Charles is going to be blessed with a son, but Lady Karissa has decided to name him Lord Anthony Christopher Howard and Lord Andrew Charles doesn't mind as he doesn't like recycled names.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard when he is born will inherit the Dukedom of  Lancaster Territory by the way of his great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Edmund Beaufort and through his daughter, Lady Jeanette Virginia who married Lord Frederick William Howard and through their second son, Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR who is Lord Anthony Christopher Howard great-grandfather and since Lord Edmund Beaufort's son, Lord Thomas Beaufort's grandson, Lord Charles didn't have any children, so the title and Dukedom reverted back to Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior great-grandson, Lord Anthony Christoper Howard as his great-great-grandmother was Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort. 

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard was born on June 21, 2280 at 5 PM at Beltane Manor on Star Base 12 in the territory of Bedford and he was the most handsome baby anyone ever saw and he had a croup of blonde hair, blue eyes and Lady Karissa looks at her son, " Oh Odin help me. My son will have all the young women on Star Base 12 following him around when he grows up."  Lady Karissa tells Odin The Almighty father.

Lady Elizabeth is five years old when her little brother is born, and Lady Samhain is nearly four years old when Lord Anthony Christopher Howard is born.  

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR in 2280 is blessed with his first male line grandson and he carries the hope of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior with him as his first male line great-grandson through the male line whereas Lord David William Beck is his first female line great-grandson through his youngest son, Lord Edwin William Howard and Lord Richard Edward Howard III is his second male line great-grandson through his second son, Lord Richard Edward Howard Senior, but Lord Anthony Christopher Howard comes through Lord Charles Andrew Howard eldest son, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and his youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard all of them Dukes of Norfolk Territory.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard act of succession of 2275 states,  Lady Elizabeth and her descendants, Lady Samhain and her descendants and any other children with Lady Karissa, followed by Lady  Patricia Charlene, and her descendants, Lady Charlotte Augusta Howard and her descendants, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III and his descendants, Lord Patrick William Howard II and his descendants,  and then only Lord Richard Edward Howard Senior and his descendants, followed by Lord Edwin William Howard and his descendants, and then Lord Frederick William Howard and his descendants, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and her descendants and Lord Andrew Charles Howard and his descendants.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard is created Duke of Lancaster Territory when he is born and he is loved by both his sisters and especially by his grandfather and father who have waited for him to be born as Lord Charles Andrew Howard's first male line grandson.

Lady Karissa keeps a watch on their son and he is gentle, kind, and polite and he is also picked on by some bullies in school but his uncle, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III teaches the art of self defense and the next time those same bullies pick on him, much to their surprise Lord Anthony Christopher gives on a good left hook and they all go crying home to their fathers.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard III tells his nephew, " I have taught you the art of self defense."  Lord Charles Andrew Howard III explains, " Use it only when it comes necessary." 

Lord Anthony Christopher is no longer picked on or bullied and he can walk proud like any Howard as his ancestor, Lord John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk did in 1383 when he was created The First Howard Duke of Norfolk by King Richard III of England.

From a distance Lady Karissa watches her beloved son grow up to become a fine and handsome young man and she also watches the young ladies follow him around but Lord Anthony is not ready to settle down yet.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard is joined by Lord Frederick David Howard in 2282, and Lord Charles Andrew Howard IV as well as Lady Caroline Matilda Carey, who is his half sister and third cousin once removed as well as Lady Edwina Wilhelmina Beck. 

Lord Charles Andrew Howard Jr smiles " Lord Patrick William Howard was no fool when he married Lady Margaret Penelope Devereux and when they had Lord Frederick William Howard and with Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort they had Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior and he married my dear mother, Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill and they had my brother and me and standing before all my grandchildren, my brothers grandchildren, and my youngest brother's great-grandchildren"  Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"You my dear son have given me my first grandson and he is priceless." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR explains.

"I couldn't have done it without Lady Karissa." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"I am glad you given me some credit." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"Sleeping with you is no piece of cake and I don't know what you call making love because it is not." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"Thank Odin. We don't have to sleep together for another four and half years." Lady Karissa tells her husband.

"I have given you a mistress and go to her now." Lady Karissa tells him.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard,  Sixth Duke of Norfolk TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now