38. Truth

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**** Mr. Campbell- image above ****

Asher's POV

"Guys are you ready ? Can we leave now? " I yelled as I entered my house.

Today is the Thanksgiving dinner at Mr.Richards house. And I'm running late because of the work . I have an early morning flight to Seattle tommorow. That's why I had few things sorted out before leaving New York. After yesterday's confessions, I had change of plans. I called Sofia and informed her that I won't be there to pick her up. At first she asked for reasons, but after a while she just gave up.

" We are late Asher. What took you this much time to reach home." My mom enquired me.
" Nothing.. I had some work at office. Now come on... " I mumbled.

We reached Rich Estate after 20 minutes ride.As we entered the house, Madison came and welcomed us. I looked around for Ziva but couldn't find her.

" Hello Asher. I didn't expect you to be here. Sophia told me that you have an important meeting so you won't be able to make it. Anyways it's nice to see you " Mr Campbell said with his fake smile. I saw Sophia looking anxious.

' What is wrong with her ? '

" Yes Mr Campbell. I had my ... " I stopped when my eyes found Ziva sitting along with Natalie and Jeff.

' There she is.. looking beautiful as always. God !! Her presence lits up the entire place. I should say I'm lucky to find someone like her '

" Uhm.. Excuse me Mr Campbell. I have to meet someone " I said looking at my girl. My legs moved towards her without even waiting for his reply.

' I'm whipped.. that I can say for sure '

When she saw me , she looked relieved. I just gave her a small kiss and stopped it right there because I know if I go further, then it will definitely become a make out session.

Soon the dinner was served and Mrs Richard asked Ziva to join the dinner table with me. That felt kinda weird but still as long as she is next to me, I'm not going to complain about it. When I heard Mr Campbell's rant about Ziva having dinner with us, I couldn't control my anger. I felt like punching his face. I saw Sophia who was looking at me with her pleading eyes. I controlled myself but never missed the chance to shut his mouth with an answer.

" She is here with me Mr Campbell. So I guess She is family now " that's all I said with an threatening voice. I'm sure he flinched a bit. He murmured something to Sophia and sat down.

I pulled Ziva so that she could sit down. Soon everyone joined us and the dinner began. It took me only a few seconds to realise that Ziva is intimidated by Mr Campbell. I took her hands in mine. She looked at me, to which I could only give a smile. Soon I found a small smile on her face which made my mind calm and relaxed.

' There is something going on between Sophia and Campbell. I need to find it ' my mind reminded me.

Soon we all gathered in and around the living room. Ziva left me saying that she has to check on something regarding her work. I was hesitant at first, but soon let her go.

" So you like Ziva " I heard a familiar voice. I turned around to see Alexander Knight standing with his glass of wine.

" Are you talking to me right now? " I asked him. The thing is Alexander was from my senior class. We had English and Applied Chemistry together. He was known around the high school for his family name and football skills. But soon after that tragedy, he built a wall around himself and never spoke to us again. I even tried to console him once but he just ignored me. We were never close but I could still use the word friend to discribe my relationship with him.

" You like her ? " He asked me again

" Yeah.. I like her. You have a problem with that ? " I asked him.

" Take care of her. She is a good girl and if you try to hurt her Mr Parker, you know what I'm capable of doing. " He threatened me.

" How do you know her ? And stop threatening me Mr Knight. It never works on me. " I told him with a smile.

" Oh.. who said about threatening. It's just a friendly advice. And about how I know her is not your concern. Oh.. wait..maybe I can use your own words. She is family " he said with a smirk.

" And thank you for being there, when I was low Asher. It meant a lot to me. " He said with a genuine smile and left me standing there alone.

' yeah .. Friend is the right word to describe him. But how does he know about Ziva ? '

My thoughts got blocked, when I saw Mr Campbell practically dragging Sophia with him towards the backyard. I just followed them. I need to find out what is going on between them.

I hid myself behind a tree, so that I can hear their talking.

" You ungrateful bitch.. I gave you one work. Just one small work. Still you betrayed me " he gave her a slap.

' what the fuck .. how could he beat his own daughter? '

I was about to stop him but stopped myself when I heard Sophia's voice.

" He doesn't like me. I have told you lot of times. He likes Ziva. You can't force him to love me " she said while crying.

" Hahaha.. Love ? I never asked you to love him slut . I asked you to sleep with him , seduce him, be a slut, do something so that he can be with you and run around you like a lost puppy. You slut, you may be a best modal but you can never be a good daughter to me. You promised me to help me with my company. Now it's facing bankruptcy. What will you do. Your marriage with that bastard is my only option now. And here you are .. whore.. " he yelled at Sophia.

She stood there crying. He gave her a slap again .

" I guess you forgot your little secret. Your mom's last wish ? Now stop crying you little bitch and try to be useful for once in your life. I feed you, my name behind you gives you a status in this society. Now fix yourself and go talk to Asher. Try to Spend your night with him. I have already taken care of that little wedding planner. " He said with an evil smile and left the place.

' What the hell did he do to Ziva ? '

Soon I moved close to her. She looked around to see who it was. Shock would be an understatement.
" Hey ... Why didn't you tell me about this. Is he abusive always ? " I asked her .

" You shouldn't be here. Go away .. " she yelled at me covering her face.

" Shush.. it's ok. I'm here. You are my friend. I will always be there for you. I'm going to take care of this soon. " I told her by giving her a friendly hug.

" No.. No.. please don't interfere with this. My dad will kill me. Please.. don't do anything stupid. I will be out of this soon. Don't ..  " She cried as she buried her face on my chest.

' Sorry Sophia.. I will save you from this. And what is he planning against my Ziva '

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