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Another day had passed, and you were lying on the couch patting your cardboard guitar along to the beat of a random pop song that had found itself playing on the radio.

Your head was still aching from yesterday, but overall it was confirmed to be fine, if you counted Roofie's diagnosis as fact, then you were better than okay!

But then the pop song had faded to its end, which caused you to look at the radio waiting for a new song to pop up. But before another earworm had made itself heard, you heard a variation of knocks at the door. Your head lulled to the side as you stared at the door just a few feet away from you.

Who could that be?

The first order of rappings were evenly spaced out and civilized. And then, after a few seconds had passed, two loud 'THUD!' s had made you sit up from your relaxed summer daze.

'Ed! You'll break down their door'

'Sorry, Double D!'

The faint voices were muffled from behind the entrance, and the more you listened to them the more a smile grew on your face.

They were back!

You took off from the couch in a big leap and while almost slipping a couple times while running, you were finally able to get to the door.

When you opened it, the sight was almost heartwarming.

Ed and Double D were very patiently standing on your porch, the latter having something in his hands. Something that smelled phenomenal.

"Hi guys!—" you leaned against the doorknob you were holding. "—What are you doing here?"

Double D seemed to have perked up at your inquiry.

"Well we just came by to apologize for Eddy's.." he descended into a mutter. "...horrendous acts yesterday."

His eyes moved to you head. "Speaking of which, how are you feeling, (Y/n)?"

You tore your gaze away from the tray in his hands.
"Oh, me? I feel pretty good!"

You leaned back, your hold on the doorknob being the only thing suspending your body weight, playfulness and ignorance brimming your childlike rambling.

"I actually really wanted to go outside today, but my mom said it might rain so we have to stay inside, which sucks because the inside is boooring" your stare on the two lingered for a bit more until you gasped. "Hey, do you wanna come inside!"

"Oh me? I couldn't possibly--I only came by to give you this and well—ah!"

Before Edd knew it, you had already taken ahold of his forearms and started to steadily guide him inside. Ed had followed, which you didn't mind. In fact, you encouraged it!

The more the merrier, right?

You had led the two halfway into the living room before letting go of Edd's arms, and that was when you allowed your attention to wander back to the tinfoil layered tray in his hands. A part of you wanted to reach out and grab it, but societal norms conditioned you to know that was rude.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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