History of Psychological Testing

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2200 B.C.E

- testing begins in china; Emperor evaluates public officials every third year

1800 B.C.E.

- Babylonians develop astrology; interact with the gods and predict the future

- Greeks redefine; predict and describe personality

500 B.C.E

- Pythagoras; physiognomy to evaluate personality

400 B.C.E.

- Hippocrates; humorology for treatment of physical and mental illness

- Plato; find employment that is consistent with their abilities

Black bile - earth; cold & dry properties

       melancholic - sensitive & enjoy artistic pursuits

Yellow bile - fire; dry & warm properties

       choleric - enormous vitality & get angry quickly

Blood - air; moist & warm qualities

       sanguine - confident, joyful, optimistic, expressive, and sociable

Phlegm - water; moist & cold qualities

       phlegmatic - deep thinkers, fair, calm, willing to compromise, and hard workers

175 B.C.E.

 - Claudius Galenus; brain is the seat of intellect

500 A.D.

- Middle Ages; faith and superstition and psychological testing are temporarily halted

1200 A.D.

- interest in individual differences emerges; trials for witchery and sorcery were common

1265 A.D.

- Thomas Aquinas; notion of a human capacity to think and reason

1550 A.D.

- Renaissance; rebirth in philosophy and an appreciation for science

1698 A.D.

- Juan Huarte; The Tyral of Wits - first book to propose a discipline of assessment

1770 A.D.

- cause of philosophy and sciences advances; Rene Descartes - proposes the mind-body question

1823 A.D.

- Journal of Phrenology - study of human abilities and talents

1869 A.D.

- Sir Francis Galton; study of heredity and genes w/c pioneered a statistical technique

1879 A.D.

- Leipzig, Germany - Wilhelm Wundt; first experimental psychology laboratory

- structuralism - relies on introspection whereby subjects try to describe their conscious experience of a stimulus

1895 A.D.

- American psychologist - James Mckeen Catell; launch the beginning of psychological testing

1900 A.D.

- Sigmund Freud; Interpretation of Dreams - influenced approaches to understanding personality for the next 50 years

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