Chapter 3 - Plans

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Luke awoke to the shrill ringing of his phone. Groaning and grumbling he got out of bed, wiping sleep from his eyes and picked up.
"What!" He barked down the phone.
"Luke!" Came Lorelai's voice. He was instantly concerned as she was calling in the middle of the night sounding extremely concerned. "Go downstairs and check your front doorstep"
"Why Lorelai?" Luke asked, wiping sleep from his eyes "you're not stood outside are you?" He questioned with a growl.
"Just do it please" she begged. Sighing Luke went to put on his boots and a coat. He could hear Lorelai shushing something speaking so softly he couldn't make out her words.
"What the hell!" Luke exclaimed finding a baby on his doorstep in a car seat. "Lorelai!" He exclaimed "what do you know about this?"
"Look you bring her and come over now and I'll explain everything I know" Lorelai explained hanging up. Grumbling Luke picked up the babe, turned off the lights and locked the door before dashing over to Lorelai's.

He was ushered in instantly to find Lorelai re reading a letter with a baby fast asleep in her arm.
"What's going on?" Luke asked his previous anger gone replaced with concern.
"Someone staying at the inn had twins and left one on our doorsteps. She couldn't find adoptive parents she liked but us." She explained
"What are we supposed to do then Lorelai?" Luke asked sighing.
"I know what I want to do and that's raise them. The question is do you?" She said stubbornly.
Luke debated it before saying so softly one of his biggest secrets deciding now was the perfect time to tell Lorelai. Rip of the band aid and all that after all.
"I've always wanted to be a dad" he said "especially if you were the child's mother. If we do this I want to do it together. With Rory" Luke explained softly placing a hand on her thigh
"Thank you" Lorelai said her voice thick with tears. And she wasn't even the one who was pregnant for nine months.
"She probably needs feeding" Lorelai said pointing to the squirming baby who was just waking up.
"How do you do that?"
"Here" Lorelai handed him the plastic bag "find the bottle and formula" she explained. "All you need to do is heat up some water and mix up the right amount of scoops" Luke headed into the kitchen to do just that.

He returned a few minutes later shaking up the bottle. "Shake it onto your wrist and if it's not to hot you can give it to her" Lorelai told him. He shook it and found it to be warm but not hot. Picking up the child like Lorelai had with her twin he guided the bottle to her lips before she happily latched on.

"What shall we name them?" Lorelai asked after a few minutes of quiet.
"My moms name was Kathrine" Luke said softly putting down the now empty bottle
"You still need to burp her" Lorelai said "shift her to your shoulder and pat her back." Lorelai paused thinking about the name Kathrine. "I feel like Kathrine is a little old fashioned but what about Katy?"
Luke hummed "how would we spell it?"
"Well with a y or a ie" Lorelai said writing out the name on a piece of paper.
"So Katie for the youngest?" She questioned as that was the one Luke was holding
"Katie Gilmore Dane's?" Luke checked testing the name "I like it."
"We could try and add Emily for my mother and maybe mia too?"
"What about Katie Mia Gilmore-Danes" Lorelai suggested "and maybe Emma Hayley Gilmore-Danes?"
"Emma Hayley" Luke said "I like it"
"We should probably adopt them so they can't be taken from us" Lorelai said resting her head on Luke's shoulder.
"Agreed. We'll sort it out in the morning"
"Alright it's late. Let's go to bed and we will explain it to Rory in the morning" Lorelai said yawning as she stood up.

They placed the babies in the middle of the bed, and after some encouragement from Lorelai Luke crawled in failing asleep almost instantly. Not before noting how nice it was to sleep in the same bed as her. Though he was careful not to get too close as much as he wanted too.

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