Chapter 4 - Rory

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The next morning came too soon. Luke awoke to a slither of light in the darkened room and birds chirping through the open window. The clock read 5.30am. Feeling restless he checked on the babies, who thankfully had slept through the night. Katie was awake though, so picking her up he headed downstairs. Changing her diaper and making a bottle Luke settled down on the swing outside. He loved early mornings. And sitting here after last night with Katie in his arms was just making his day better. After he'd fed and burped her, she fell back asleep so he went upstairs for Emma, to repeat the process but he did put his pillow by the edge of the bed so Katie wouldn't fall out, something he forgot first time. When he went back outside with Emma and her bottle he grabbed the book on the coffee table too for some light reading. Even though it turned out to be a English textbook. Probably Rory's.

By the time 7am rolled around both babies were back asleep. Luke was looking in the cupboards and fridge for food but found only last nights leftover takeout. He wrote a note and left it on Lorelai's bedside table before heading out to Walmart.

At 8.30 Rory came out her room dressed, enticed by the smell of breakfast cooking nearby for once.
"Luke, hello" she said shocked.
"Morning Rory" Luke flipped and added the pancake  to the growing stack. He added bacon to a pan
"Can I help?" Rory eventually asked
"Wash and chop those berries please" he pointed to the packs of blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries sitting on the counter by the sink.

The pair worked amicably in their separate tasks until the food was ready and on the table.
"Dig in, I'm gonna get your mom"

He entered the bedroom to find Lorelai still sleeping, her hair splayed out on her pillow.
"Lorelai" he said softly, crouching in front of her. After a minute she blinked her eyes open. It was the cutest thing watching her eyes come into focus and resister him.
"It really happened?" She questioned yawning rubbing her eyes.
"Yes, now come on Rory's eating breakfast" Luke said, passing her robe before grabbing Emma and leaving the room. When he returned downstairs he saw Rory with her hand in the berries. She smiled and ate a raspberry. Rightfully shocked Luke did not address it and just sat down. He'd take a blessing like that any day!
"Who's that?"
"Emma kiddo your soon to be sister" came her mothers voice. Rorys eyes were as big as saucers seeing her mother enter the room also carrying a tiny baby.
"Mommy?" She asked confused
"Emma was left on our doorstep last night and her twin sister was left on Luke's. The mother wants us to raise them instead of any other adoptive parent" Lorelai explained quickly going to make up some more bottles. After kissing the top of Rory's head
"What are their names?"
"Emma Hayley Gilmore-Danes and Katie Mia Gilmore Danes" Luke said suprising Rory. Chewing another berry, a blackberry this time as she pondered the names. "I like them. Does this mean I'm going to be a big sister?"
"Yes kiddo"
"Yes!!" She exclaimed her fist pumping the air. When Rory reached for a third handful of berries Lorelai finally noticed.
"I'm sorry. Did I just see you eat fruit?" Rory nodded "why my own spawn going to gang up on me are we?" Rory giggled.
"But raspberry's are yummy"
"Blackberries are my favourite" Luke said softly "lovely in a crumble. Thanks Lorelai" she passed a bottle to him just before Emma started crying demanding her food.

"Mom. You should introduce them to their grandparents" rory said breaking the peaceful quiet. Putting down her fork her plate clean.
"Oh sweets. I just can't take their judgement"
"You won't. We'll come. We can wait in the car while you explain it to grandma and grandpa them we bring them inside to introduce them" Lorelai gave her a glare "grandma will soften anyway since emma is a variation on Elizabeth and so is Emily." Rory pointed out
"I hate when you're right" Lorelai sighed "look we need to go shopping so we'll do that first" she eventually caved.

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