Chapter 3. A Conversation With A Old Friend

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The Chapter Began At The Cafeteria Canterot City Flash is just chilling out while listening to music then Twilight sit next to him

Hey?? Sci Twi as she talking to Flash but Flash Was not listening at first because his music was too loud then Twilight have a idea Twilight rubs his hair
Huh? Flash saying confused then Flash turn around seeing Twilight giggling
Oh hey Twilight we gotta stop bumping each together like this but Flash laughs remembered his past encounters with the pony Twilight Sparkle i mean we are not actually bumped into each together i was only remembering the another Twilight Sparkle Flash trying to explain
It's okay flash....Sci Twi saying sadly
Then Flash got worried hey are you okay Flash responded back to Twilight
No I'm not okay i keep getting nightmares about.... Twilight responding back
Nightmares about what? Flash asked
Remember the friendship Games where i transformed into? Twilight asked
Yeah? Flash Responding
She is keep haunting me in my sleep midnight keep trying to tell me something i don't know what is twilight saying having a panic attack
Hey Hey twilight it's okay repeat after me flash breathing so Sci twi start to breathing Breathe in Breathe out flash told to twilight
Whoa thanks flash Twilight thanking flash
No Problem that's my mom do for me Flash repiled back to twilight
See ya Twilight responding to flash
No problem if you ever need me to talk with me here's my number Flash said to twilight so he gives sci twi his number.

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