Chapter 4. The Meet

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Flash webswinging thinking about Twilight Midnight, huh? interesting as Flash thinking confused
Do you think it's another symbiote but evil, Rank? Flash asked
No? Symbiote is neither evil nor good. It depends on the host's emotion. Symbiote told as long you don't reject me The Rank Symbiote informed Flash
Huh, I never thought that way Flash  realized
I mean, the symbiote can be evil, or because the host rejected it, rank informed him.
Flash bumped into Grogar
Are you okay, young man Grogar saying in a concerned way
Yeah, I'm good, Flash, then Flash see Grogar

Mr. Grogar, is it you? Flash asked

You Know me? Grogar questioned

Yep! You are kinda famous around canterlot City Flash responsed

Interesting.. Grogar said

Flash nodded

So, kid wanna meet my wife? Grogar told

Sure, Flash replies with a smile


Flash and Grogar are talking about science

Well, hello, who is this kid grogar asked the woman

Well, Stella, this Flash sentry, he is a kid I just bumped into Grogar informed.

Hello, Flash Sentry, My name is  Stella Cyan. I'm grogar's wife. Stella told  to flash

It's nice to meet you, Miss.Cyan flash said nicely

What's your hobbies?  Stella asked

Music, Science, and poetry Flash informed

Interesting, do you have a girlfriend?  Stella asked

About that, it's kinda complicated because She really don't know me that much

I can give you some advice. You wanted to have a girl to like you try to be someone she would love Grogar told

Well, I think that's the wrong advice, Stella said

It's a bit questionable. Flash asked

Yeah, you are right Grogar said

Anyways, see ya guys. Flash said then he left

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