Chapter 6: Conversation Between The Strangers

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Meanwhile, with Flash Sentry as he was on his skateboard as he sees Timber packing things in the car Spruce, What is Gloriosa Daisy's brother doing here I wonder why but I will get to know him if he wanted to Flash Sentry thinks to himself as Flash walked towards Timber's location
Hello? Flash spoke to Timber
Oh, hello, you must be Flash Sentry that goes to canterlot high, right? Timber Asked
Yes, as Flash claims with confirmation
Okay, as Timber responded
But how do you know that? Flash asked with confusion
Because your trip in camp everfree Timber confirmed
Alright, as Flash replies
What's your hobbies? Flash asked
Well, being outdoors, exploring the world & helping out with the camp Timber told to Flash
Any fun ones Flash asked
As Timber chuckles
Well, let's say I like to watch Star Wars. Timber responded
Same here?! Flash says in excitement
What's your favorite character? Timber asks
Well, that one lady from Clone Wars Flash confirmed
Let me guess, Ahsoka? Timber guessed
Correct Flash confirmed
Timber chuckles again
Anyways, how is your relationship with Twilight Flash asked
Well, let's say our relationship started great . It wasn't toxic at all. she decided to break up with me for reasons Timber confirmed
But why? Flash asked
Let's say I wanted to focus on their studies also Our relationship was more like friends Timber asked
Oh, not really, not a big connection? Flash asked
Yeah, when me and her dated, our connection was not there. So, me and her decided to break up Timber claimed with confirmation
Oh, okay. Flash asked
Why ask, "Do you like her?" Timber told
Not exactly since I thought you and her were still dating Flash confirmed
Oh, okay Well anyways it's was nice to meet you properly. Thanks, Flash Timber stated
You, too, Timber Flash said
Bye! Timber waves
See ya bud Flash said as he ride his skateboard.

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