Chapter 7. Hangout

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It's was a sunny day on a friday afternoon Everyone was out of school, Flash, waiting for someone until a female figure showed up, which is Twilight Sparkle

Sorry, Oh my bad Flash, I have to get my stuff. Sci Twi apologized to Flash

It's quite alright, Twi I forgive you Flash spoke with a reassuring smile

Twilight smiled back at Flash as They walked to the nearby coffee shop as they went to the coffee shop

Welcome to megabucks What may I take your order today? The cashier asked with a smile

I will get the usual Flash said

Okay, what about the young woman? Cashier asked with a concerned face

I don't want a coffee, Sci Twi confirmed

Are you sure? The cashier asked her again

I guess I can go for a pumpkin spice coffee. Sci Twi considered

Okay, a pumpkin spice and a regular coffee coming up. The cashier shouted happily

Sci Twi and Flash waited for their drink, so they talked

How was school? Sci Twi asked nervously

Good so far, Flash said lying

Well, Flash, I heard you always be late is that true? Sci twi asked

Well, Twilight just because of my home life and..... and... Flash confessed

Flash? Sci Twi asked Sci twi, and he got very worried about Flash at the point Sci Twi Panicking

Flash's POV

"I can't tell her my double life as S Rank I have to protect her"

Earth to Flash, are you alright? Sci Twi asked worryingly

I'm f-fine Flash responded nervously

That's good because you got me worried for a minute. Sci Twi informed Flash

Oh, let's go outside. If it's okay with you, Flash asked

I don't mind, Sci. Twi replied

What about stargazing Flash suggested

I liked that idea, plus there's a lot of things I need to talk about. Sci twi replied being okay with that idea

Flash, sit down and look at the stars, then Sci Twi does the same

So, do you mean that you got a lot to talk about Flash asked with a confused tone

Well, I have a lot to progress Flash Me and My Male best friend basically is siblings now

I got two dads and two moms, and now Sci Twi vented to Flash

So, a polyamorous type of deal? Flash asked pretty much Sci twi confirmed with a sign

Are you okay with this Flash asked

Yeah I am It's something to get used to I'm glad my parents are happy with My Stepbrother's parents So this goes like this My Dad is dating both Rias and My Mom same goes to Angel dating three girls which is

Mrs Gremory, Mrs Wyatt & My Mom Sci Twi explained

Oh, thanks for confirming that Flash responded with

Flash You are a good guy for letting me vent. Sci twi said with affection Flash blushed at her comment.

Well, I'm just a who let people let it all, yet it's a way of a ninja Flash joked

Sci twi giggles at his joke, and Flash snorts with a laugh

How cute Sci Twi remarked playfully flirting with him

Flash turned red

Well, Flash, I see ya later. Sci twi spoke with a smile as she left

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