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'I hadn't considered it my home since I was sixteen so I didn't care that much.' Axel said as she scrubbed her dish clean.

Sirius sat on the counter as they spoke about their family problems.

'I was lucky James is such a good mate, I got to stay with him.' Sirius said smiling wide.

Axel blushed as she admired his smile. She always had an image of what Sirius should look like and now that she finally met the real thing, she couldn't begin to say how perfect he was.

'Regulus and Severus are going to wonder where I am.' She said setting down the dish cloth.

He jumped off the counter and stood in front of her.

'How long have you known my brother?' He questioned.

'I met him yesterday while I slept on a park bench.' She replied smirking.

He raised his brows and chuckled.

'I've got a spare room here, there's no need for a gorgeous girl like yourself to have to sleep at Snivellus' house.' He said with a wink.

Her cheeks flushed scarlet and she was about to accept when she realized something.

'My bag's still at Spinners End.'

He smirked before taking her hand in his and turning on the spot. No matter how bad it was described in the books, side aparating was much worse. Axel gasped for breathe as she landed in the familiar street that was Spinners End.

'Which is old Snivellus' house?' Sirius asked smirking.

Axel released his hand and pointed to the tall, old one in the heart of the cheery homes. Sirius' smirk widened and he walked towards the house, Axel following close behind. He knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Axel half expected him to answer the door the way he did that morning but the other half of her didn't expect him to open it to Sirius at all. To her surprise, the door swung open.

'Sirius?' Regulus said in surprise.

Sirius' jaw clenched and he took a deep breathe.

'I'm here to pick up Axel's bag, she'll be staying at my house tonight.'

'No way!' Regulus protested.

Axel sighed before she pushed Sirius past Regulus and into the house.

'We need to work together if we're going to save these innocent people!' She snapped.

The Black brothers stopped their glaring and turned to Axel. She was tapping her foot on the dirty wood floor.

'We need to make a plan and we'll get no where if you two don't stop bickering. Regulus isn't what you think Sirius. When I get my bag, I'll lend you the book and you can read all about him.' She said crossing her arms.

Sirius nodded as Regulus looked thankfully towards Axel's retreating figure. She trudged up the stairs towards her room. She reached the second floor landing and saw that Severus' door was wide open. She laughed to herself because he didn't seem like a door open kind of guy. As she approached she was going to say goodbye when she noticed something, he wasn't in his room at that moment. She shrugged it off and entered her room, grabbing her bag in one swipe.

'Hurry up!' Sirius called from the first floor.

She rolled her eyes playfully before leaving her room. Instead of going straight downstairs she knocked on Severus' room door. She heard shuffling and then entered. Severus was laying on his bed with a cloth over his left cheek.

'Severus?' She asked approaching him slowly.

He sat up and looked away from her.

'I heard that you're going to Blacks house, have a great time.' He said bitterly.

'Severus, show me your face.' She said impatiently, her voice thick with concern.

He was about to refuse but lowered the cloth when he saw her threatening stare.

'Sev-' she spoke when she saw the deep gash across his cheek.

He covered it quickly before turning his head again.

'Why haven't you healed it?' She asked with a slight edge of concern in her voice.

'Our wands are missing.' He said looking down.

'Now, Sev, being the host to a Muggle has its upsides.' She said smirking.

He looked at her before she pulled him towards the washroom. She slowly reached for the cloth and lowered it. The cut was deeper than any that she'd dealt with before but she was sure that some cold water, a band-aid and a kiss for the boo-boo would work wonders. She grabbed some toilet paper and wet it slightly before dabbing the wound. At first he grimaced but he managed to keep his composer.

'Got any band-aids?' She asked once she was sure the cut was clean.

He nodded and pointed to the medicine cabinet. She opened it and pulled out a regular sized band-aid. Carefully she opened it and placed it on his swelled cheek. A small smile curled onto his lips and he thanked her.

'Wait!' She said turning around before she left.

He looked at her quizzically until she lent in and gave him a quick peck where his band-aid was.

'Trust me, it'll help.' She said smiling before she skipped downstairs.

'Took you long enough.' Sirius said rolling his eyes.

She grinned at him before waving goodbye to Regulus and heading back to Yorkshire Road.

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