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'It's unfair that you guys both have parents who are best friends with our Professor.' Ron whined.

'Reg and I can't help it if Professor Lupin likes us better.' Harry said with a smirk as he Ron and Regulus walked into the simple cottage in Godric's Hollow.

'Sorry Ron, maybe Hermione can cheer you up.' Regulus said with a smirk.

Ron turned as red as his hair and followed the two boys into the house.

'You're here!' Lily called as she brought all three boys into a hug.

'Good to see you Aunt Lily.' Regulus said smiling.

He had the same charismatic smile as his father matched with the messy black hair and gray eyes. His mother however shared his kind face and often times people insisted they didn't know which one he looked more like. He was named after his late Uncle Regulus and couldn't help but be honored when he found out that Regulus Sr was praised with an Order of Merlin first class. It was his fifth year at Hogwarts and he was a year younger than Harry, Ron and Hermione.

'Where's my boys?' James said from behind Lily.

He gave them all firm handshakes before ruffling Harry's hair. The Potter's weren't directly related to Regulus but he grew up near them all the time so it only felt right to call them family. He laughed every time his parents told him that Uncle James bought the house next door to the Potter's so Sirius and Axel could live near them.

'Are my parents here?' Regulus asked as he weaved deeper into the Potter's house.

'Their just getting Sevannah changed into her Christmas outfit.' Lily said smirking.

Sevannah was a strange way to spell the name but Regulus' younger sister was named after a close family friend and Hogwarts Potions Professor, Severus Snape. She was the youngest of the Black siblings but it was middle child, Romulus, that was the life of the part.

'Lily! James!' The second year said running up to the happy couple.

They engulfed him in a tight hug and he pulled back. Romulus Sirius was named after the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts, Remus Lupin and their father. Sevannah Lily was named after Snape and Aunt Lily.

'Why are they getting all the hugs and not us?' Sirius asked with his signature smirk.

The two Black brothers ran up to him and gave him tight hugs before going to their mother. Axel still had her youthful glow despite her current age. Sirius still had stubble and long black hair that made him look fresh out of Hogwarts.

'Sevannah's getting so big!' Regulus said taking his baby sister in his arms.

He walked over to the sitting area and said hello to Axel Lily Potter, Harry's toddler sister. The family sat all around him and acted just like they always did. Ron left soon after to go back to the Burrow but the Potter- Black reunion was just starting.

'To the best families I could have ever wished for.' Axel said raising her goblet.

The rest followed and drank to her toast. A day didn't go by that Axel didn't think about how lucky she was to have the life she did. Sirius was the most amazing husband she could ever ask for and she had three wonderful children. All of the Black kids had Sirius' lovely hair. The two boys had his gray eyes but Sevannah got Axel's hazels. This is the life she'd always wanted and here Axel was living it.

'I love you.' Sirius said as they layed in bed that night.

'I love you too.' Axel said back before giving him a light kiss and falling asleep.


THIS IS THE END! I hope you guys liked reading this book because I know I liked writing it! Maybe I'll come out with a book based on Regulus James' life at Hogwarts? (perhaps regulus & the trio deal with Tom's diary???) If you have any questions about what happened to anyone please comment below! Thanks for reading!

xx sabrinademelo

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