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'Do you know anything from the Beatles?' Axel asked as Sirius strummed on his acoustic guitar.

He thought for a moment before playing the opening notes of All You Need Is Love. Axel jumped up from the couch they were sitting on.

'That's my favorite song!' She said happily.

Sirius grinned at her excitement and continued playing the song. Axel began singing along and Sirius laughed. Once the song was done she plopped back down on the couch.

'How old are you now, Sirius?' She asked giving him a quizziacal look.

'Twenty, how about you?' He asked waiting for her answer.

'Ninteen, turning twenty in December.' She said smiling.

He grinned and turned back to his guitar.

'How's Marlene?' Axel asked smirking.

She knew that when she was a kid everyone shipped Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon so why wouldn't she pick up the scoop?

'Marlene? I haven't spoke to her in a while, why?' He asked observing her.

'Some people read between the lines and thought that you guys might have some romance.' She said wiggling her eyebrows.

He snapped his head back and bellowed a deep laughter.

'Gosh, I haven't gone on a date since fifth year and I assure you it was not with McKinnon.' He said wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.

'Everyone seemed to think you were a player.' She said raising her brows.

Somewhere deep inside, Axel felt her spirits rise. Maybe Sirius Black wasn't the man skank that the fandom thought he was.

'I was far from a player. The girls typically went for James but he always had his sights set on Lily.' Sirius said smiling.

They chatted a little longer and sang a couple more songs until Sirius stood.

'I'll show you your room.' He said holding a hand out.

Axel took it, slightly hesitant at first. Her father had hit her on multiple occasions after he began refusing to take his medication so she flinched at even the smallest of touches. Sirius lead her up the stairs to the room right off the landing.

'Hope it's alright.' He said as she walked in.

'It's amazing.' She said beaming.

Her old room never felt like a room just as her father never felt like a father. It felt more like an escape until she couldn't escape there anymore.

'Feel free to stay as long as you want.' Sirius said smiling as she sat on the queen bed.

'Both as a new friend and the person who's going to change the world.' He said before walking away.

She closed the door and changed into some old sweats and an over sized shirt. She pulled back the covers of the soft bed and got underneath. She felt enveloped in warmth and let the stress of the world fade from her mind. It only felt like minutes until she was jerked awake.

'Axel, I'm sorry to wake you but James is hurt and I'm going to the hospital.' Sirius whispered through the darkness.

Axel sat up and rubbed her eyes. She glanced at the clock next to her bed and saw that it was three in the morning.

'I'll come with you.' She spoke groggily.

'No, it's alright, sleep.' Sirius said sitting on the edge of her bed.

'I want to meet them, let me come.' She said almost swaying back into sleep.

Sirius chuckled before caving. Axel nodded off to sleep for another second before she jolted awake. Her pajama's were fine so she just grabbed her sweater and headed downstairs.

'It's much to cold for you to wear that sweater.' Sirius said crossing his arms.

Axel narrowed her eyes at him until he pulled out a jacket from behind his back.

'The infamous Sirius Black leather jacket?' She asked with a smirk.

'No, that's this one.' He said pointing to the one he was wearing.

She took the jacket and slipped it on. It was a little big on her but she did feel much warmer in it than in her sweater. Sirius noticed her nitorious bed head and gave her a beanie.

'You look like me now.' He said smirking.

'Because a jacket and a hat can act like Polyjuice potion.' She said smirking.

He laughed and grabbed her hand so they could aparate to the hospital.

'We're here to see Mr James Potter.' Sirius said to the woman behind the counter.

'Who are you to him?' The woman asked with raised eyebrows as she took in their sleepy appearance.

'His-' Sirius paused for a moment before continuing.

'I'm his brother, Sirius Black, and this is my wife, Axel Black.'

The woman nodded and shoved a sign-in clipboard towards them. Sirius signed them both in and nodded to the woman before heading towards James' room.

'Your wife?' Axel asked as they walked a busy corridor.

'Less hastle if I say that rather than say your some Muggle who knows the future.' He said smirking.

She rolled her eyes but followed him until they got to room thirty four.

'Thank goodness you're here Sirius.' A very distreased Lily said when she saw him.

He gave her a quick hug before heading to James' bedside.

'Sirius.' James said in an almost audible voice.

From what Axel could see he looked normal. She assumed that his state had something to do with the Cruciatus curse because it seemed more likely to cause iternal damage.

'I'm here, Mate.' Sirius said looking down at his freind.

Axel felt a lump forming in her throat. What if she couldn't change the course of what happens? James and Lily would die and Sirius would be thrown into Azkaban. It didn't seem right to her and that's why she knew she would have to change it.

'Sirius, who's your frind?' Lily finally asked after moments of observing Axel.

'My wife.' He spoke nonchalantly, still concentrated on JAmes.

Lily raised her brows and turned to Axel.

'Welcome to the family.' She said with a sweet smile.

Axel laughed and was about to correct her when there was another person entering the room.

'Peter, thanks for coming.' Lily said smiling.

From the corner of her eye Axel saw Sirius stiffen up. He was about to lung at Peter when Axel stepped in front of him and dragged him out of the room.

'Sirius, we can't just get rid of him right now.' Axel said in a dangerously quiet tone.

Sirius let out a sigh and realize that she was right.

'You're right.' He said rubbing his eyes.

She smiled at him for a moment before from the corner of her eye she saw him, Remus Lupin. The way he walked had werewolf written all over it. His slight limp, the way his backside moved like a tail at times. He was tall and had scars across his face. He smiled at Sirius before looking quizzically to Axel.

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