𝖎𝖛. She's Been Interrogated

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     𝖎𝖛. She's Been Interrogated


SOMETIMES Matt still can't believe he survived. That he's alive. He knew that Chris wanted Maeve more than anything else in the world, but he never thought his brother would pass up the opportunity to kill him. Then again, he never thought his brother would want to kill him in the first place. He often has to remind himself that he truly knows nothing of the person Chris has become. Or, he guesses, the person Chris always was.

He dreams about him a lot. The brother he thought he knew. The brother he would play board games with into the late hours of the night. The brother that helped him make decisions concerning politics and courts and all the silly little royal tasks their father set for him. Never in all his days would he have thought that boy was pretending through all of that. That he was scheming to kill Matt and their father just so he could take the throne. It makes him sick to think about.

Thinking about Maeve brings the same bout of nausea Chris does. For different reasons, of course. The image of them dragging her away, her body held tightly between a pair of gigantic Ralken strongarms plays through his head every day, over and over and over again. He could've saved her. He knows he could've. The guilt makes him sick with himself, shamed that he let it happen. Often times if he's left alone, scenarios build in his head about what he should've done differently to get them all out of there alive, with Maeve.

He never even got to apologize to her. He knows now that even if he was right during their argument on the Blackrun, he should've waited until she was in a better headspace. Until she'd had proper time to grieve. Her brother had just died, and Matt had screamed and scolded her for her faults and mistakes, as if he doesn't have his own.

Now, without her, he has to sleep alone. Even with Maeve next to him, he had his nightmares, but at least he had someone to hold. At least he had her. Now she's just another memory, stored away in his head to assault him during the night. She's with his father, with Chris, with Astraea, with his mother. They haunt him during his sleep, and not even the snores from the rest of the bunk room can chase the thought of them away.

The new headquarters is not like Tuck. In some ways, it's better. The island brought Matt no comfort, considering the majority of the time he spent there, he was a prisoner of the Colonel's. He'd sat in that cage of Silent Stone with bleeding knuckles and a rage he didn't know he was capable of. It didn't help that the place was surrounded by water.

Irabelle is a Scarlet Guard stronghold on the outskirts of the Lakelander city of Trial. It's a cold place ━ as is the rest of the country Matt has been taught to hate his whole life ━ but that doesn't matter much to him. He has his constant heat. In fact, a few of the Guard officers have taken to following him and Nick around, if only to take advantage of their radiating warmth. He tries not to be annoyed, to recognize that it's understandable, but sometimes it's a bit pressing.

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