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I've reached a certain point in life where everyone i know just can't be trusted
My mind has been conditioned by reoccurring family grudges.
If i had one wish, i wouldn't wish for a million dollars
Or a big house because I'd still be lonely, seeking for my father's love

So I'll see you soon till then I'll be gone for plenty moons.
I can't show no human more love than i do to you.
i stayed nine months inside your womb but i feel our connection is slowly weakening
I will never forget the weekends spent, wiping tears before they trickle down your cheeks.
All those nights changed me and i made a vow to take the life of the man that made you cry

But who am i? Definitely not God but i was made in his image.
So if it happens that i die, don't cry but rejoice.
Then, I'll be finally free from the chains you have me shackled up in.

I forgave your actions still.
I always will.
I will always feel-
I mean for you, i will always kill.

God Forgives, I don't.Where stories live. Discover now