Fix It.

75 7 4

CW// Nothing!

Karan sat on the ground with his legs crossed, watching Gold with half-open eyes.

Gold was rushing around the crater, eyes bright. He had replaced the crumbling dirt walls with iron, so that now when he walked, his shoes made harsh noises. The iron also gave the hole a medicinal feel- it seemed much too clean for the work it was going to do.

"Are you going to help me at all?"

Karan turned back from his gazing at the wall.

Gold stood in front of him, holding a bent metal panel. In his teeth he was holding a few nails, which muffled his speech.

"If you want me to restate my opinion about this..." Karan started, and Gold rolled his icy blue eyes.

"Then why are you here?"

"To make sure you don't hurt yourself."

Gold's eyebrows lowered, and he looked at Karan with annoyance.


"Really." Karan replied, feeling a smirk crawl onto his face.

Gold let out a snarl, and he turned around sharply, stomping back over to his small pile of metal scraps.

"Honestly, I'm just a bit worried about you messing it up." Karan called, clasping his hands together. "I don't want another crazy repeat- we shouldn't mess with time."

"This might be our last resort one day, like it was before." Gold looked at Karan with narrowed eyes. "I don't want to risk it. I'm going to keep building this machine."

"No, you won't."

Gold and Karan whipped back to face the trees, where the voice had come from.

A short figure stalked out, limping. He held a long, sharp sword.


The man snarled at the two, lifting his sword.

Something was off, though.

His face was still burned- clothes torn. He was still the same height, frame.

The man stayed silent, glaring at the two men.

Karan met his gaze, then realized what it was.

Sigils lunged forward, and as he rushed for Karan, the only thing the orange-haired man could stare at was his eyes.

They were bright orange.


Now the chapters will be posted when I write them :3


Plz vote I wanna get back to my original stuff-

WARBOUND- A Camp Minecraft Season Three Rewrite/AUWhere stories live. Discover now