𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒚 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒕 𝑴𝒚 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝑯𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒔

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2nd Person POV-

So immediately, you started beating ass.

"Holy shit, my head hurts." You said punching a guy.

Some dude kicked you from behind, throwing you off and making your vision blurry.

"I'm getting REALLY pissed off right now." You mumbled, kicking the guy in his balls and stomping on his face.

"Die, yay! Murder, yay!" You heard.

You looked and saw Smiley punching a dude while smiling :). It's one of the most beautiful things you every seen. You might have shed a tear.

You snapped out of it and continued to fight. You were thinking about running away soon, because you're tired, or wait for Takemichi to find out Draken's been stabbed and go with him.

"I don't know what to do, but Takemichi will be fine by himself, right? I should go with him just in case though... " You thought while punching a guy. "Shit... I lost track of Takemichi. I'm gonna be too late."

You started to panic and run to look for Takemichi. "Shit, the universe is DEFINITELY giving me extra work. Damn, you universe."

You could barely see anything important. Just guys beating the shit out of each other.

Then a guy was about to punch you since you weren't paying attention, but Mitsuya got him before he could get you.

"Jeez, Y/n. You have to pay more attention." Mitsuya said.

"Sorry, sorry. I'll go." You said, not even focusing on him.

"Damn it, Takemichi. Where the fuck are you!" You thought. "Come on, Y/n. You're supposed to be his savior!"

The more you looked, the more tired you got, and the more your head bled. You felt like throwing up or passing out.

But then, you finally found him and he was crouching down next to Draken.

"No! I could have stopped Kiyomasa! Man, I'm so stupid. I need to help Takemichi carry him."

"Draken-kun!" Takemichi yelled.

"Takemichi! I'm here to help." You said.

"Y/n!" He yelled. "Your head, it's worse than before!"

"Don't worry about me! We need to do something about Draken!" You said.

You rolled him over and tried to stop the bleeding, but it was too much. You got blood all over your hands and on the amount of tissues you were using.

"Damn, I forgot my bandages at a time like this!" You said, wiping your hands on your black hoodie.

"Y/n, Takemichi! What's wrong?" Mikey yelled.

"It's Draken, Mikey! He got stabbed!" I yelled back, stuffing the bloody tissues in my pocket.

Hanma then started to attack Mikey, distracting him from Draken.

"Takemichi, Y/n!" Mikey hollered.

You and Takemichi snapped you heads over to look at Mikey.

Draken was coughing up blood.

"He lives!" You yelled.

"Take care of Ken-chin for me!" Mikey yelled out.

"Got it!" I yelled.

"Come on, Takemichi we have no time to lose!" I told Takemichi. "Now, how are we supposed to carry him..."

We picked up Draken and put him on both of out backs so we could have even weight. I bet he isn't that heavy since both of us are carry him at the same time.

《𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑺𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆》✔ ||  A TokyoRev FanficWhere stories live. Discover now