The Beginning

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Enter Your Name Here The Beginning

Beep Beep! Hello my name is Christopher I live in the busy city of Tectoren Gyt. It is a big city where all you do is work. The sky is gray, people here look miserable. All you ever do is eat, sleep, then work. I don't have a big significance here, I work as employee number 522 at a insurance company. I type in a number everytime it comes on the screen. One day my daily life changed drastically.

One day I was sitting in my office at the end of the hallway. I was waiting for the number to pop up on the screen, but it was taking a while. So Christopher decided to take a walk to the office the sends him the number. On the way walking to hallway C, "All the worker that have offices in Hallway J please report to auditorium." The speaker said. "Huh, that's where I work." Christopher said in confusion. "What does the big boss want from us?" He questioned.

As all of the workers gathered in the auditorium on the stage there was the boss and the secretary. The boss was wearing a light gray suit with stripes and a blood red tie. You can tell that he is older because of the creases in his face along with the black wig he was wearing. "Hello workers 500-600," he stated with a poker face. "Well today, the company lost some money due to some problems caused in this section," he said. There was a heavy tension among all the workers. Indeed the company has lost $9,000 dollars due to a bug that was overlooked in this section.

"Today everyone here is going to get fired." he said. The room was completely still no one was making any noise due to the shock from the devastating news. " I don't need any help we have been getting interviews for the past year." He said, " Everyone of you are going to get replaced with a younger person that is fresh." Christopher scanned the room everyone looked like they were going to be sick. It was tough getting a job especially with new talent coming in and getting all the jobs that pay well. Plus the way the jobs work with social media and the way jobs include some knowledge about it. Sigh. When I thought my boring life was going to be normal I have to go job hunting again.

Everyone was exiting the company building, there was a grim expression on everyone including Christopher. He was worried about his future, even though his apartment was middle class everything else was expensive. Also what is he going to do about his food problem; all these things were making his head spin. He was starting to have a migraine with the thought of having to call his parents to ask for money at his age.

The next day in the gloomy city of Tectoren Gyt it was raining so Christopher decided job hunting through the newspaper. When he was walking in the streets he was in Mibiyi Jitta lane on the sidewalk. It was a light rainfall so he decided to to walk and try to get so interviews over with. Christopher glanced at his watch."3:59," he sighed. "Didn't know it was this late," he started to mumble. He was walking then he bumped into a young woman who looked like she was about in her mid 20's. His glasses fell off of his face and his umbrella flew into the wind when he fell. "I'm so sorry!" She pleaded. "It's okay, I was going home anyway," he smiled at her. Her face lit up as he was talking to her. "My name is Mogaine Anisa," she said smiling back. She covered him with her umbrella so he wouldn't get soaked in the rain. " Christopher," he replied meekly. She was a really pretty woman and she was talking to him. Christopher had an extremely plain face with black bangs that covered his eyes, and some thick glasses that hid his face.

"Come with me my apartment is near I wouldn't want you walking like that." She pointed to his pants it was soaked; it made him looked like he wet himself. His face flushed,"Yeah me neither," he said following her. They talked on the way there. He got caught in the crowd since his vision was blurry since Anisa stepped on his glasses when they were walking. "Here hold my hand." She said while sticking her hand at him. "Okay..." Christopher did as told and grabbed Anisa's hand.

They have finally arrived at their destination. They entered her apartment it was really clean and neat. "Sit down I have some baggy clothes you can wear and I will put your clothes in the dry wash," she said. He sat down and scanned her room; trying to see something but failed. "Sorry about your glasses and umbrella I will pay for it," she said handing him some hot chocolate. "You can stay over I have a guest bedroom, don't worry I won't murder you," she giggled. "Yeah I don't want to go into the public in just my boxers," he laughed. Ansia started to blush she was glad he couldn't see her.

"We can get your things tomorrow it's already 5:01," she said showing him the way to the guest bedroom. He nodded as a reply and they both went to bed thinking about the brand new friend they just have made. Christopher came out his room half asleep just in his boxers. Ansia screamed at the sight of him as she started blushing. "What," he mumbled. "YOU'RE JUST IN YOUR BOXERS!!!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Ansia threw the clothes that he wore yesterday at him."WEAR THAT!!!' She shouted.

They started having breakfast at a nearby coffee shop. "You know you're actually kinda hot when you show your face," she mumbled. "What I don't I have a plain face," he replied. "If you get your bangs out of your face and don't wear your thick glasses you do," she said. "N," he said before getting dragged out to of the coffee shop and went to see an ophthalmologist. She got a glasses that was lighter compared to his old pair. Ansia then dragged him to a barber shop."There looked," she shouted at him shoving a mirror in his face.

"Huh," there Christopher saw a handsome young man. Short black bangs above the eyes with the same pair of glasses Ansia bought him. " This is me," Christopher said holding the mirror trembling. Everything went went black. "CHRISTOPHER!!!!" Ansia screamed.


A/N Hope you guys like this I will post this often I have alot of free time (; ̄д ̄)so I like to post stories often. Long ones since I feel bad if it is short like I am not post enough to read for a long time. ( I am a bookworm) Tell me if you like this or not ( if not I will finish the story in the next chapter ) Well give me suggestions for short stories or long ones like this.

<3 ChibiMagicMaster

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