Twenty Nine

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"So, the wierdest part of today?" I ask as we are trying to sleep at like three in the morning. "Besides the part where I actually got laid?" Sam asks I laugh and kiss him. "Yes, besides that," I say, smiling. "Kylie got her mythology wrong. She is seriously shocked. She will probably figure it out in the morning," I say. "Go to sleep," he sighs with a worried laugh. "Will you sing to me?" I ask, snuggling in closer. "That depends, what do you want to hear?" He asks, stroking the top of my head.

      I shrug and close my eyes. Then Sam starts singing me a Taylor Swift song. "Is Sam singing me a Taylor Swift song?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Shh or else I'll stop." So with that I fall asleep to the sound of Sam's voice. When I wake up it's to zippers and Kyle cuddling against me. "Kyle come here. You can lay with me. Mommy is trying to sleep," Drew says in his best whisper. "No it's alright honey," I say as I sit up. It is four in the morning and still extremely dark out.

      Kyle looks very sick. "Oh, baby, what's wrong?" I ask, pulling him into my lap. "My tummy hurts," he moans, lying against me. He starts violently coughing and I am already worried beyond compare. But then he coughs up blood. Not even dark, black, demon blood. This is pure, bright, red human blood. "Oh honey," I sigh, masking the panic. "I'll take him to get clean. You can help daddy pack up," Drew says, taking his brother's hand. After the boys have gone to the bathroom, leaving the door open so I can see them from where I am standing, I look at Sam. "What are we going to do?" I ask, not allowing myself to cry right now. "I don't know," he says, looking at me with sorrow.

        "You already used your ten years on a pointless task. The boys could've been raised so that the demon blood didn't matter!" I whisper hiss. "I'm sorry okay? Right now, we need to get him to a hospital. Get dressed, get Drew dressed. I can get Kyle cleaned up," Sam says, taking control of the situation. I nod, thankful for having someone to lean on. "Alright buddy. Go with mommy and get dressed. I can help Kyle get cleaned up," Sam says, squatting beside Drew. "No daddy. I'm not leaving Kyle until he is okay." "Drew, I am not in the mood for this right now," he says. "Well dad, neither am I," Drew says, taking his brother's hand again. At least they have each other.

        "Here Drew, just get dressed in here. Kyle's clothes are on the counter behind you. Hurry up Sammy. I am going to go tell Kylie what's going on," I say, setting the boys' clothes behind Sam. I leave, go tell Kylie and try not to cry. When I come back, I can hear her waking up Bella so they can come with us. Dean was up the second I walked in the house. I throw suitcases in the back of my truck, tie them down, and go back in for the boys.

       "Let's go," I say, wanting to get back home and to the hospital by the house asap. "Are you going to be okay?" Sam asks, taking me into his arms. "No," I say, shaking my head and starting to cry. This is going to be a very serious issue and I am already thinking of worst case scenarios. On the top: cancer. "It's going to be okay Kyle. Mommy and Daddy are going to take us home and then to the doctors. I promise not to let them take you away from me. I won't leave okay?" Drew asks, sitting on the couch with his brother. "Thank you," Kyle says. Drew leans over and hugs him, leaving an arm around his brother. I start crying harder.

      "Alright come on. Let's go home," Sam says, rubbing my back and turning to the boys. We all pile into my truck, the two boys are in between me and Sam. Sam is driving and I am in the passenger seat. It's only a bench, so it's not like I am breaking any laws. There aren't seat belts anyways. Like a switch, both the boys are out again when we start driving.

       "Best case scenario?" Sam asks, taking my hand. "Too much juice and we are over reacting," I say, leaning back a bit. "I already know worst case so I will spare the question asking," Sam says. "Do you think he is going to be okay?" I ask. "I don't know yet. I hope so," Sam says, turning on the music so its quiet. Drew sleeps until noon but Drew stays asleep for almost the whole ride. When Drew is awake, he asks me to let Kyle lay with his head in Drew's lap, and his legs on me. I nod and shift him. Once Kyle is laying down, Drew starts running his hand through his brother's hair and turns the radio up a bit. "He likes it when I do this. Especially when mommy goes to sleep and he misses you a lot. So much that he can't sleep, so I go and lay with him, doing what mommy does to me," Drew explains, looking up at his dad. I smile at them.

       We pull over to eat and I wait in the car with the kids, Drew still won't leave Kyle. "Okay. I'll be back in a minute," he sighs. Bella comes over and sits in the driver seat. "He doesn't look too good," she says, looking at Kyle. "Yeah, I know. He should be okay though. Don't worry about it," I say, trying to keep her calm. "I heard what happened though. I can't just stay calm what if it's," she starts but then I shh her. "It's okay Bells. We will sort it out. I need you to be strong okay? We don't even know what's happening yet. Now is not the time to worry. It does no good to worry right now," I say, putting my hand on her arm. She nods,  wiping away a fallen tear.

      "Alright, back into the car honey. We are about to get back on the road," Dean says, from my open window. He gives me a nod and a look mixed with sympathy and authority. "It'll be okay," Kylie says, patting my hand before going with Dean and Bella back to the Impala. "Thank you daddy," Drew says as he starts eating his happy meal. "No problem bud. Eat up. I'm sorry for forgetting about breakfast," Sam says, starting up the truck. We prefer back roads. There won't be traffic on back roads, but on the high ways, no guarantees. "You should eat," Sam suggests when he realizes I haven't touched my food about half an hour later. "Later," I shrug it off.

      At four we pull into the driveway. "Drew go use the bathroom. Mommy needs to grab some things. I will wait here with Kyle," Sam says, climbing out of the car to let Drew out. Drew casually grabs the keys on his way out and I smile. "You aren't going to leave me here with out my best friend. If he has to go to the doctors, I am going with him," Drew says to Sam as we go inside. When I have grabbed my cell phone charger, and Drew has finished in the bathroom we go back out and join Sam in the car.

      We get to the ER and Sam is carrying Kyle. "Hey, umm we're the Winchesters, we-" "Your brother as already been here. We know what's happening and we have a room in the main portion. This must be Kyle," a chirpy blonde says. I nod, tightening my grip on Drew's hand. "We head that you are feeling icky. We also heard about your twin brother not wanting to be with out you. We are going to get you all better okay?" She asks Kyle, raising up from behind her desk and talking to him. "Do mommy and daddy and Drew get to stay with me?" He asks, gripping Sammy tighter. "Of course honey, come with me. My name is Kelly and I will be Kyle's nurse," she says as we go into a room and Dean, Kylie and Bella are already waiting.

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