Ninety Three

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"Hi," I say, opening the door to a young woman. "Hi, my name's Alyssa and I'm looking for Tessa Winchester," the blonde says. "Yeah, that's me. Um I'm actually in the middle of something so Alyssa could I ask you to wait upstairs? We'll talk later yeah?" I ask, letting her into the house. "This is really important, you have to understand," she starts. "No, I understand what this is about. I've waited eighteen years are to see you all grown up and now you are but someone had my attention and they were about to say something," I say, pushing her gently up the first stair. "You wouldn't have had to wait if you didn't give me up because I was ugly or some shit," Alyssa says coldly.

I feel my heart break again. "You listen to me Alyssa Mary Winchester. I did not give you up. I was sixteen and scared. There was no way in hell I could provide for a baby. I gave you the better life you deserved," I say, grabbing her wrist. "The live I deserved was the one with you. With my mother," she argues, tears coming into her large green eyes. "You think the life you deserved was the one with me? Let me tell you how it went yeah?" I ask, making her sit on the couch and ignoring the looks from everybody but Sam, who has left the room with Jessie.

"When I was sixteen I met a boy and I wanted to give him everything he'd never had. He was broken and hurt and yet he just had this passion for everything, for life, he made me so happy. I told him what was mine was his. My home, my father, my heart. And then I gave him something I couldn't take back. I gave him my virginity," I say, closing my eyes and feeling embarrassed. "It's alright mom, I really want to know," Alyssa says. I start tearing up because this is going where is gets worse. "Kylie can you do me a favor and leave?" I ask. She looks like she is about to say something but she leaves anyway.

"So the next morning he was gone. Over the next few weeks I felt little changes. I was gaining weight here and there but I didn't think much of it until the morning sickness hit. I obviously wasn't going to go to my Dad about this so I told my Math teacher who very discreetly supplied me with pregnancy tests. She new it was embarrassing. I tested positive. Then came the scary part. It took me a few tries but I finally blurted it out over dinner. 'Daddy I'm pregnant.' Of course I got lectured and he was infuriated. Every night for the next nine months I called you're father eight times. He never picked up. I went to bed missing him and wanting to hold you but also knowing that if Dean didn't get his ass home I would have no choice but to give you up. Then came the dreaded labor. I cussed like a sailor, screamed for your father and then it was over. You were a healthy baby girl. There was a nurse in the room that had no idea what my situation was and cleaned you up and placed you in my arms with a blanket and I never wanted to let you go. Unfortunately it was to late to change my mind. It took five nurses and three doctors to pry you away from me," I say, wiping tears away from my face and tying my hair up.

"Why couldn't you have a friend adopt me and you still be my mom?" She asked with a shaking voice. "Because after I lost you things got really bad. I don't let myself cry over many things. But every morning I woke up and I cried for you and for your father until I threw up. When I went to bed I sobbed, wanting you both to be in my arms and safe. That went on for a year. When I turned eighteen I found the strong stuff and nearly drowned in it. I thought it would numb the pain, fuzz the memories and dull down on the sharp pain in my windpipe when ever I closed my eyes. It did the opposite, I felt everything more. I couldn't control the rage of having both of you taken from me. I threw things and punched the walls and screamed at the ceiling for hours. Then I got to thinking. My best friend was gone and she was never coming back, the love of my life turned out to only screw me and leave and I wasn't even allowed to keep my baby girl. Maybe I should just do the next loving soul favor leave before I got attached. I went downstairs and I took Daddy's gun and went back up to my room. I had it pressed under my chin when my father came home and he knocked out of my hand. He told me he could smell the whiskey on my breath from a mile away. I had to get my stomach pumped so I didn't die from the alcohol and then I decided I was only allowed to cry about you two once a year. The day Dean and I met, May 19th and the day you were born, February 23rd," I say, looking at my hands.

Dean stands up and opens his arms to me and I shake my head. "No, it's your turn to suffer. I hope you're happy Dean. I tried to tell you. I loved you Dean Winchester! And you left me! You, you didn't even say goodbye, you just took everything I had and left! Go away and don't come back, ever! Take my best friend with you. She didn't want to come home either. She knew I needed her but you were the only thing that mattered! How come the world is centered around you? Can I have one thing to keep my own?! I said go away, get out!" I yell, getting more infuriated with every sentence. He says nothing and leaves with his wife who waited politely in the kitchen.
She heard the whole story. She only left the living room but stayed with in ear shot.

Greatest part? I already told Sammy. It's not going to be hell in my household.

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