Chapter 2

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While Jasmine was packing she thought of taking some personal belongings. She looked around her room and saw a picture of her and her father, Nolan hugging each other in front of the dorm rooms at NYU. She smiled remembering what her dad said to her.


When Nolan got the last bags from the trunk he put them on the ground with  'high'. " Well I think that's it, JP," he said to her. " Thanks, Dad, you didn't have to do that." She said looking up from her schedule. " Of course I do, who else would?" he said to her, and they both laughed. " Alright, you two I want a picture of my baby," Nala said to the two of them. They moved in front of the doom house, smiling at the camera. " Get closer together." She said to them. " And there, now that wasn't too hard," she said as Nolan moved to stand next to his wife.

Jasmine looked at the two and smiled. " How do you do it?" she asked them. " Do what, honey?" Nala asked her, smiling. " Stay together this long and still have the same look of love in your eyes?" she said to them. " Well, when you meet the right man then you will understand," Nolan said to her.

The bell tower rang telling them that it was almost time to go their separate ways. Nala went up to her daughter and kissed her cheek. " You have a brilliant mind, use it, and don't let anyone stop you." She said to her. Jasmine nodded, not trusting her words.

Jasmine tried not to cry when her dad came up to her. " I am so proud of you JP. But know that there will be many opportunities, you just need to follow your heart, and when you do, you will know that that was the right choice. And you will know that you will never regret it." He said as she cried hugging him. " I love you Dad." She said to him, hugging him tighter. " I love you too, JP," he said into her hair.

When she let go she went to her mother and hugged her tight. " Love you, mom," she said. " I love you too, mag."She said to her.

When the memory was over she whipped a tear off her cheek. She remembered why they called her Mag. Mag was short for magnesium. If you light on fire it will light so bright. You need more than goggles to look at it. And they saw jasmine the same way, their little magnesium.

When she calmed herself down enough to walk downstairs and look her mother in the eyes and tell her she is leaving for a secret mission with the CIA. She went downstairs, But to her surprise, her mother was talking to Charles. When Nala saw that her daughter was downstairs she walked over to her.

" When were you going to tell me that you got a job offer to work with the CIA?" her mother whispered to her. " I was just about to tell you, but it seems Charles beat me to it," she said looking at Charles. " Well, I thought that it would be easier to just worry about your clothes." He said with a smile. " You should keep him, he seems nice," Nala said to her daughter. " Mom!" Jasmine said. But Nala had already walked to the door.

When they all got to the door Jasmine looked at Charles. Charles nodded knowing what she needed to do. Charles nodded to Erik and with that, they walked to the car. " Mom, I'm sorry that I have to go," Jasmine said to her mother. " Hey, never be sorry for doing something you want to do.' Nala said to her.

Nala put her hands on her face for what seemed like the last time. " Remember that I will always stand by you, no matter what," Nala said, crying. " Remember that I love you and that I'm so proud of you." She said, holding her tight. " Mom, why does this sound like a goodbye?" Jasmine said to her. Nala ignored the question and said, " Your father would be so proud of you." Nala said to her.

They hugged for a little while longer then let go. Nala nodded for Jasmine to go. When Jasmine got into the car she looked out the window and saw her mother waving her goodbye. When she was out of sight, Jasmine turned to the two older men. " Where are we off to next?" Jasmine asked. Charles looked at her through the mirror. " To your new life." That was all he said to her, and she smiled.

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