Chapter 10

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After the war in Cuba Jasmine and Alex decided that they should start looking for apartments. It took them 6 months to find an apartment, Jasmine was so happy that the house-hunting journey was over and Alex was happy to see her smile.

When they found the apartment they wanted to see what it looked like and the good thing about it was that it was close to her mother. When they told Charles he was happy, well as happy as he could be Jasmine knew that he meant well.

They made a flight to New York and when they saw the apartment they knew that it was a perfect fit for the both of them, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a beautiful kitchen. Jasmine fell in love with it and when she asked about the money the landlord said that it was already paid for which came as a surprise to Jasmine since this was the first time that they talked about payment.

Jasmine assumed it was Alex who paid and he just smiled along with her. After, they met the landlord and talked about when they could move in they went to get something to eat.

" Today was tiring," Jasmine said as they ate their food.

" You could say that again, I think we need to talk about what happens when we move in," Alex said to her. " Well, I'm going back to school I think I'm going to start working with my mom." She said looking at her food.

" I think I'm going to go to school, I've been thinking about it for a while now and I know that's what I want to do," He said.

Jasmine looked up at him and smiled. " Yeah, what do you want to do, oh let me think,"

She thought about it for a moment and he let her, he just sat there and looked at her with a smile that only ones in love would understand.

" Is it carpentry, you look like you would be a carpenter." She smiled at him.

He shook his head, " No, I was thinking of doing engineering, I like to work with my hands and I like putting things together so why not be an engineer." He said to her with a smile, they had gotten up and paid for their food and were going to the car that they had rented.

When they got to the car they fought over who was going to drive until Jasmine had enough and let him drive.

" I think that it's a good idea, I mean if this is what you know you want to do and you've thought about it then I say go for it, what's stopping you?" She said to him.

" You were, I don't want to decide on something that we both didn't agree on. If you didn't want me to go to school then I wouldn't have. I need you to know that you mean everything to me Jas, I love you." He said to her the mood suddenly turning serious.

" You mean everything to me as well, Alex If there is something that you are passionate about then I'm not going to stop you from doing it unless it can get you killed or hurt, but other than that If something makes you happy I'm going to stand with you, I may not like it but it's what makes you happy. That's all I need to know, I love you forever and always." She said to him.

Time skip ( 5 years later)

Jasmine and Alex are both out of school and still living together. Jasmine is now the CEO of Pierce Genetics and Alex is the president of the engineering department.

One day as Jasmine was in her office she heard a knock on the door, thinking it was Alex she  waved her hand and opened the door. But when she heard another male voice she immediately looked up from her desk.

" Hello, Miss. Pierce, my name-" The woman didn't get to finish her sentence before Jasmine started talking.

" I know who you are Agent Peggy Carter, you were in the war back in 1940, your friends with Howard Stark Owner and founder of Stark Industries, A former member of the SSR, one hell of a bad-ass, and my hero," Jasmine said walking to Peggy, who looked impressed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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