the week from hell.

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"DUSTIN! LET'S GO! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" Shouted Lucy from the kitchen as she waited for her brother so they could leave for their first day of school. This would be their first day of school together since she was in fourth grade and he was in first and when she was in fifth and he was in second. They were now both in highschool, Dustin a freshman and Lucy a senior.

This year was very important for Lucy, this week especially. The first week of school was always campaign week, meaning she'd have to advertise her campaign to be the school president all week until Thursday when she had to make her big speech for voting day on Friday. This year was going to be different from her others as class president because not only was she going to be the class president of the entire senior student body, like she had done her sophomore and junior year, but she'd be the president of the entire school's student body, a big step from just a class president.

Lucy was supposed to get to school early so that she and Robin could hang up her campaign posters but she was running a little late because Dustin had to perfect his hair with the lengthy and unnecessary routine that Steve Harrington had taught him.

"Sorry, sorry! Coming!" Dustin apologized as he rushed from his room, reeking of cologne and hairspray.

"Oh, before you go, let me get a picture of my little munchkins on their last first day of school together." Claudia Henderson gushed at her two children who were just about to head out the door.

"Mom!" Both Lucy and Dustin groaned as their mother basically attacked them with her polaroid camera. They let her get a quick picture until Lucy practically dragged Dustin outside and to the car by his overly done hair.

The Henderson siblings arrived at Hawkins High School and Lucy left the car just as quick as she drove it. Dustin didn't mind, he knew how important this week was for her and how stressful it could get. He walked in with Mike and Lucas who were waiting for him by the bike racks.

As for Lucy, she rushed through the halls, bumping into lost freshmen and reunited couples making out in the hallways. She finally arrived in the corridor where Robin and her agreed to meet and when she did, she was met with a very agitated Robin.

"You're late." Robin quipped, this week was also very important for her. She was in band, and marching season was the most important season of all. Robin had been especially stressed since she got moved up to first trumpet.

"I know, Dustin was taking forever this morning combing his hair." She grumbled and both girls laughed as Lucy dug the rolled up posters that the two of them, Dustin, and Steve spent all weekend making. The ones Lucy and Robin worked on were adorned with glitter and shiny letters while the ones Steve and Dustin were in charge of making were all voting based jokes.

As Lucy rounded the hallway she furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of another poster hanging on the wall, the poster read: "VOTE JASON CARVER FOR A UNBEATABLE SCHOOL YEAR"

Jason Carver was in with the popular crowd, not in the way that Lucy was popular where people only knew who she was because she was always class president, but because he was a jock, with a pretty girlfriend and a pretty face. He was the type of kid who would pick on her in middle school, who would probably pick on her brother and his friends. And now he was running for president. He had never even shown interest in student council in previous years, had never even shown up to one of their events besides homecoming and such.

"Looks like you've got some competition this year, Henderson." None other but the voice of Jason Carver himself spoke from directly behind her, leaning up against the wall, clad in his varsity letterman jacket.

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