the newest member of hellfire club

15 1 1

call                                            gym                            yes
                     speech                                         stressed
         ice                                      brother                                                  hit
                               head                              class                     water
nobody                 believe                         behavior
before                                         changes                                 eat                                    

Lucy would've kept her eyes open for longer if the lights that were shining from above weren't so bright. She could tell from the smell of cleaning products and citrus that she was in the nurse's office.

There were plenty of voices in the room, the words echoed in Lucy's ears as she tried her hardest to make out what they were saying. She then tried to open her eyes for the second time, this time being more successful than the first.

"Lucy, honey? Can you tell me what happened?" The nurse was sweet, very attentive as Lucy accustomed herself to her new surroundings.

"I don't know, my head hurts." Lucy replied as the nurse shined a light in her eyes, probably checking for a concussion. From the way her head was feeling right now, Lucy was sure she had one.

"Okay honey, just relax. Let's get some ice for your head." The nurse left Lucy's side to get a cold pack from the freezer; that was when Dustin sat down next to his sister on the hard cushions that she was laying on.

He had followed the nurse that wheeled Lucy into her office from the gym and hadn't left her side since. This had never happened before and it scared Dustin, the two had literally been through hell and back together so of course he'd wait for her in the nurse's office to make sure she was okay.

"You okay?" He asked.

"What happened?" She ignored his question completely, the last thing she remembered was walking up to the podium to give her speech, after that, all she can remember is darkness.

"I don't know, you were about to give your speech and then next thing I knew, you're on the floor." He explained, he was sitting next to Mike and Eddie when it happened. The entire room gasped and he even heard some snickers of laughter from the section where the jocks and cheerleaders were sitting.

Lucy had never passed out before, in fact she had never even seen anyone pass out before. People passing out was only something that happened in the movies, but then again, Lucy had seen a lot of things that were only supposed to happen in movies.

"Jason won." It was posed as a question but left Lucy's mouth as a statement. Not only did Jason win the election but he had won in every single way possible against Lucy; she was tired of fighting.

"No, no. I'm sure they'll let you give your speech. They'll postpone the election, they have to, it's an extenuating circumstance they can't just give it to him..."

"Dustin," she interrupted his ramble, "It's over." Lucy sighed as she took the ice pack that the nurse so graciously handed to her and placed it on her head before closing her eyes.

"I just wanna go home." Never had Dustin seen his sister give up. She didn't give up when there was an entire pack of demodogs surrounding her and Steve, and she didn't give up when they were trapped in a secret Russian base, so why she was giving up because of Jason Carver perplexed Dustin, but at the end of the day it was her choice. He couldn't force her to fight, he could only stand by her side and support her in whatever she chose to do now.

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