53) Second Hour of Exhibitions

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"I guess I should start from the very beginning."

===Gabura Sachi===

"They did it!" Ashikaga screamed from her lifeguard tower, binocular in hands. "They actually took it down!"

"Which team?" I asked, running up to her post.

"Jack of Hearts—Charī and Zakū!" She handed me her binoculars, pointing far into the horizon. Through the lens, the Jack of Hearts blimp flew downwards, a trail of smoke and flame behind it.

"Hell yeah!" Maeda cheered, pumping her fists. "I knew the two of them could do it!"

"One hour in, and we've already got one Face Card down!" Chihaya hollered. "These citizens are a joke!"

Tori laughed, as Kazetani and Shirai joined us. "Those crazy sons of a bitches!" They congratulated. "With Zakū's smarts and Charī's creativity, there can't be anything they can't clear!"

"This is incredible." Kazetani said, noting it down into a notepad. "One hour in, too. The game must've been short."

"I'm sure Charī must be enjoying his fame. They must be the talk of the town!" Maeda said. "People are probably staring from a distance at the venue, and at them leaving, thinking 'Oh my god, those two sixteen year olds are so cool for not only taking down a Face Card, but taking down the very first Face Card!' Damn, I'm so jealous of those two! Maybe I should've went with them and gotten some glory."

"I'm c-curious as to how the game w-was." Rafferty said, as Chihaya pulled out his own pair of binoculars, looking into the distance. "It w-was definitely shorter th-than I expected."

"How about the other team?" Chihaya asked, pulling his binoculars down. "Any news on them?"

"Nope." Shirai said, crossing her arms. "Me and Kazetani drive to Shibuya Square thirty minutes into the Second Stage, and the whole thing's been surrounded by a black fence talk as the skyscrapers!"

Kazetani nodded. "And whatever game they're playing, it's a dangerous game. We heard thunderous noise from within. Not like an explosion, but like buildings collapsing. I'm not sure what to make of that."

"And also," Shirai added, "nearby observers noted how, after the Second Stage began, six huge lasers shot across Shibuya Square. These lasers weren't like the lasers used to kill people, they were the diameter of, like, a house!"

"I'm s-sure they're okay, th-though." Rafferty reassured. "Let's just w-wait for the two to return f-first. They c-can tell us a-about the Jack of H-Hearts."

We waited for another thirty minutes, most of Maindo remaining on the courtyard, before a figure emerged in the distance.

One figure. It was Zakū.

Chatter died down, as those closest to him edged forward. Zakū's eyes stuck to the ground as he pulled to a stop. He reached inside his jacket, pulling out Charī's notebook.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Charī... D-Dead?" Rafferty stammered.

Zakū's mouth was pressed in a firm line, and he nodded, his eyes dark.

"I... Didn't see that coming." I whispered. "Oh my god."

A teardrop fell from Maeda's eyes. "Oh my god... Charī! I... I Didn't even know him that well, but..." Tori patted her back, pulling Maeda into a hug.

"How was it, in terms of difficulty?" Shirai asked.

"To be completely honest, it seemed hard at first, but had a relatively simple solution if you just observed his behavior."

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