54.3) Side Story 4 - Queen of Spades [3]

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Content Warning: This chapter contains depictions of self-mutilation and graphic violence.

"The King of Hearts was an interesting character. His game was skewed by nature... But I managed to dethrone him."

===Aoyama Tōka===

– – – – – –

I walked into the white recovery room, shielding my eyes from the bright lights. Araya was lying on his bed, and smiled when he saw me. "Aoyama... You're okay too."

I laughed, pulling up a chair. "You're the one who got shot, yet you're the one who's worried about me?"

"I don't know, man." He groaned, getting up and rubbing his head with his good arm. "Passed out a little while after, and everything after that was a blur, like some twisted hangover. Yeah, that's how this feels. Doctors said I'll be fine though, but it was a nasty shot; my shoulderbone was literally shattered."

"At least you'll be okay though." I said. "But... These surgery costs."

He shrugged. "Thank god for Japan's healthcare, right? But still, for us, what remains is still a lot of money. The bounty is enough to cover all of it, so in the meantime I took out a loan for half, so that you still get your half."

"Loan?" I asked. "Araya, you've been bedbound, who would lend money to someone with a credit score like yours and only online? That's–" I paused.

Araya stuttered, but I cut him off. "You're using an underground loaner, aren't you?"

"It's fine!" He assured me. "She was some underground loan shark, but was also concerningly ditzy and frank for someone in that field. Judging by her character alone, I'll be fine."

I cursed, rubbing my eyes. "I mean, you're an awesome friend, but you can't keep just playing with your life as if you're immune to what claims anyone else that does what we do.."

"I know, I know." He said. "Truth be told... I think it's time we call it quits."

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked. "We've been risking our lives just to still barely have enough money to get by. Rent keeps going up, and other crime groups have been moving into other parts of the city. You know that gang Shogo's affiliated with, the one led by that club host and special defense force? Well they've been closing in on rival territory, and it's gotten beyond violent. People unaffiliated with either groups have been turning up dead in a frenzy of misidentifications and miscommunication. It's crazy."

"So what, we just go back to working two jobs to afford our apartments?"

"It beats ending up dead in a ditch from a failed bounty hunt. You said it yourself not thirty seconds ago–it's only a matter of time before what claims everyone else, claims us."

I sighed, sinkling my face into my hands. "This world isn't made for people like us."

"Nope. It certainly isn't."

"If you think about it, both ways we have of earning money are killing us. One puts us in physical danger, the other just saps out our lives each and every day. Really, at that point, what's worse?"

"Above all else, I'd like to keep my life intact." Araya said. "Death's scary–no thanks. But if you insist, I can't abandon my friend. That's above me keeping my life intact."

I remained silent for a minute. "No." I finally decided. "I can't drag you into what I wish to do. And I know I can't talk you into me just going solo. Let's just call it quits."

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