You said worriedly.
The person was laying on the ground unconscious.
"oh no no no....NO"
You were scared of the unconscious body so you slapped them a few times.
They were still laying there unconscious.
You started to get really worried.
You lost hope all again and you sat beside them crying.
Your tears were streaming down your face when a hand wiped them off.
You looked up to see the guy sitting beside you.
Without thinking, you hugged them tight.
The guy comforted you while he held his shoulder.
You broke the hug and asked the guy if he was okay.
"Are you ok, did it hurt alot?"
Hearing that, the guy started to laugh.
You were left confused.
??- " You really thought i fainted did you?"
"What do you mean?"
??-"I was just joking with you....."
"It has been a while since I talked with someone, it has been really lonely too." He said.
"You are alone here too?"
??-"Yes, I have been trying really hard to get out of here but it has been really tough to find a way out of here"
"How did you end up here?"
"How did YOU end up here?" He asked.
There was a long pause in between.
You were confused in what to answer as you didn't know the answer yourself.
As it was getting really silent, he decided to break the silence.
??- "silly me, i forgot to introduce myself" he said while giving a boxy smile.
"My name is Tata!" He said.
"Yes Tata"
"Well you have a reeaally interesting name"
"Well who am I to judge."
"Hi Tata, my name is Y/N"
You brought your hand out to give him a handshake but he started to laugh again.
You were dumfounded.
"You really thought my name is Tata?" He exclaimed.
"Then what is it?""Taehyung"
"Kim Taehyung""Bruh, please don't tell me this is not your real name again "
Taehyung- "well it is now "
"You know, i met two guys before i met you"
"They were named Jin and and Jk-"
(Author- I'll write Taehyung's name as Tae)
Tae - "wait, Jin and Jk?"
"Unfortunately, i didn't quite get to spend alot of time with them"
Tae- "So apparently, you met my friends."
"Wait what?"
Tae- "yup, i miss them so much, i don't know how are they doing "
"It's my fault that i got separated from them" he said.
"How did you get separated?
Tae- "It's a long story I'll tell you about it later."
"For now.. "
He stood up and brushed the dust off of him.
The dimmed Street lights were a bit brighter than normal so you could see him.
You saw that he was a handsome young man with fluffy hair and dark brown eyes.
He was wearing a pair of black trousers and a white half sleeve shirt.
"Let's just keep moving and hope for the best as our survival and a way to exit from here depends all on our luck"
You shivered at his words because they were really true.
He let his hand out gesturing to help you get up.
You were a bit hesitant at first but than you accepted his offer.
His hands were soft and warm which made you a bit at ease.
He saw your hands and was shocked to say anything.
Tae-"... may i know how your hands-"
"So long story short i was attacked by razor rain"
"Do ya get it? Razor rain cuz razor has blades which cuts so-"
Tae-" oh I get it, that's reeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy weeeirddd thooo"
"Everythinggg hereeee is weirddddd"
You laughed after saying that.
It wasn't that lonely after making another friend.
Your heart broken because of your other friends who you lost to that earthquake..Tae-"we should not waste anymore time"
You sighed in sadness and agreed to not waste anymore time.
You two were walking on the dark street of which there were only a few dimmed streetlights.
You throat was dry as sandpaper and you could have any drink then and there.
A cool soda pop
A bottle of cold mineral water.
Anything is good.

The blüē chair
FantasiWhat would you do when things don't go the right way? Everything truly has an end.