Chapter 1: Mission brief and search and encounter.

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'Breath in... Breath out... it's finally time.'

The young man in white stepped into the elevator doors of the battleship silently, but his head held high and a sense of pride coursed through him.

'It's been a long journey, hasn't it?'

This is it, after finally finishing his training course, day in and day out of constant studying and work finally bore fruit, his efforts weren't in vain as his dream is finally in sight, the low hum of the elevator rising acting almost like a foreboding tune, one accompanied by my heart beat's song.

'Man, those days were hell in of itself, but... It paid off! And no one else can say otherwise!'

His Parents tried to dissuade him from his dreams in favor of becoming a doctor or lawyer, but that didn't deter him one bit. If anything, it only served as a way to motivate him further, he didn't know where this dream began, it's been far too long after all.

The young man felt the elevator slow down, the slight feeling of gravity pushing him upwards for a split second sent a shiver down his spine as the elevator stopped.

'Well, this is it. Can't say I'm not excited though.'.

Why wouldn't he be?

This was something he had been longing for since he was little, call it foolish or something else, but he held this wish from the bottom of his heart, a fanciful wish born from childhood.

And finally, he reached it, he made that wish come true.

The elevator doors opened to the scene of the main bridge with three people in front operating the ship itself, the window showing a vast sea of clouds, not a second later, a robotic voice announced-

"Captain on the bridge!"

'This is it.' The newly appointed Captain thought to himself, hands shaking not from nervousness but from excitement. 'This is where my new life begins.'

A very long journey has reached its end.

This very well may be a mistake, but he chose this path by himself without a hint of doubt.

With eyes mirroring the bright blue skies, he did only one thing.

The Captain smiled.


The Captain frowned for the umpteenth time.

"Just where did things go wrong?" He asked no one in particular, his gaze set straight as he tried to soothe his pounding headache.

The sounds of his firm footsteps on metal were prominent as he walked down the cold halls in a brisk pace.

Things went way out of his control for the past few years; the 2nd Eruption incident had changed the world in ways he never thought it would.

'During the incident with the Herrscher of the Void, I was treated to discovering the first example of cruelty this organization committed.' A dark grimace slid on the man's face, 'Babylon Labs.'.

Cold anger could be seen on his face as he felt his feet like cinderblocks on the metal floor, inhumane wasn't a word to describe it, absolutely cruel and diabolical may be apt.

'I never thought that I would work for an organization that willingly sacrificed children for "the greater good", while the past Overseer was one of the main factors in that burning mess, but that doesn't change the fact that there were people willing to do those things to children under the pretext of orders.'

The Captain let out a heavy sigh, his anger blown out like a matchstick fire. 'Sometimes I wonder if I could've done something, anything at the time, but it's impossible to turn back time.' The cold air of the air conditioning was, unironically, a cold comfort, a heavy heart weighed the man down like a ball and chain as he headed for his personal quarters.

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