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I got to the college dragging my bags and my guitar. Outside it was close to raining and foggy.

This time I was hoping that I'll have no roommate. I did talk to the administration, so hopefully I was alone in a dorm by my own, focusing on learning.

Maybe there won't be no drugged roommate and he won't throw any party, maybe I can finally be by my own studying.

I got into the building checking my paper once again to check the room.
777, such a weird number.. (it's actually the author's favorite number)

I was walking on the corridor, still checking my paper. Then I bumped into someone.

"what the fuck. Oi look where you're going prick"
Ah, of course. A freshman. I just decided to grab my things and walk away while the kid was checking his backpack in the fastest way possible.

It's okay, I'm never going to see him again anyway. So I grabbed my bags and started walking away.

"dude you didn't even apologise, that isn't very nice of you" the freshman said walking towards me, but I just ignored and started walking up the stairs.

After some time I got to my room, looking for my keys. I got my keys out and then I notice the same kid that bumped into me is right behind me. Oh god please tell me I didn't get to the wrong dorm.

"uh I think you got the wrong dorm, buddy" the idiot said and then I checked my paper again.
"I think you got the wrong dorm"
"nope, it clearly sais 777" I snatched his paper and start looking at it, checking the room number. 777.. Then I checked mine.

Still 777.. The freshman was staring over my shoulder then I heard a giggle.
"seems like we're roommates"


I was calling the administration to clarify that they probably gave the kid the wrong paper.

"hello? Uhm I think you put a freshman in my room by accident."
"I'm sorry about that but we don't have enough dorms. He has to stay there"
"that's fucking bullshit. You told me I'll stay alone, that's not fair"
"mr. Soot we didn't have any-"
"oh fuck off" then i hung up hearing the kid trying to control his laughing but failing.

This day couldn't get worse, Could it?

I go to the bedroom and pick a bed. I picked the one next to the window, so whenever he was being a bitch I could just.. You know.. Throw him out of the window.

The boy came into the room and opened his backpack getting out the biggest spider I could ever see.

"what the fuck! You can't keep a spider in here"
"for your knowledge, it's a tarantula."
"I don't give a shit, that thing can't live here"
"he's not a thing! He's harmless, also his name is shroud"
"he can't live here."
"you either let him live here, or your guitar will be thrown out the window"
"hello shroud" the weirdo said in a weird voice.

"If that Little shit touches me, I'm throwing you out the window."
"great! Now, let me introduce myself. I'm tommy, the most epic and pog man ever"
"so? What's your name, mr. I don't like tarantulas?"
"cool name, do you play the guitar?"

"no, I just dragged it here just to use it as a decoration" I said being sarcastic.
"stop being a prick and answer my question"
"yes, I play the guitar"
"no" I'm not going to sing him anything. He is not my friend, he is just some weird kid that I have to live with.

"oh okay" then tommy puts the tarantula on the nightstand with its food next to the terrarium. The food was still alive.. I swear to god, if those crickets get out, I'm killing tommy.

I'm not gonna talk to tommy ever again. I don't care he's my roommate. I don't have to talk to him, so I won't.


Roommate With A Chaotic ChildWhere stories live. Discover now