"That Was Actually Fun, Thank You"

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I stop to a store before reaching to the amusement park and drag tommy inside.
"okay tommy, I'll buy you a lego. Just go and pick one"
"you don't have t-"
"shut the fuck up and go pick one" while he went to pick a lego I go and look for sweets.

I pick up some gummies and chocolate then go to find Tommy. He was at a small area where was legos.
"did you find anything you like toms?"
"wilbur, You don't have to buy me one.. I don't like pity"
"I'm not trying to pity you.. I just want to spend some time with you. You just have to pick one so when we get home we can build it together"
"can I pay half the price though? I just.."
"sure, if that makes you feel better"

Then tommy walks over and picks up a big lego box.
"can we take this one?" he said. He looked genuinely so happy. I just want to make his inner child happy.
"whatever you want dude"
We go to the register and pay. Then go to the car.
"do you like gummies?"
"I love gummies!!"
"we'll have to eat them after we go to the next place though"
"why? What's the next place? You made me curious"
"you'll see" I say seeing him pissed.

"COME ON TELL ME" he tried saying but I just turned the music on and loud so I can't hear him.
"I CAN'T HEAR YOU" I said as I saw the kid get angrier.

He started singing and so did I.


The boy's eyes were wide open with disbelief.
"amusement park? Am I going to die?"
"die? Of course not"
"will you make me go on every single one of it?"
"then I'll die" I yook his arm and started dragging around the bunch of people. We went and asked for dabloons.

"1 dabloon is 1 £"
"great, we'll have 50"
"alright, 50£" I hand the person 50£ and take the dabloons. (I called them dabloons because I didn't know what to call them. You are supposed to give them to the people that make sure the ride is save and that your seat belt is not open)

We go to the smallest ride that I let tommy pick. It turned out that it wasn't so small. It was a hid roller-coaster actually. We were going up as I see tommy look genuinely scared.
"wilbur I fucking-" then we went right down.
"I FUCKING HATE YOU" tommy screamed reassuring me that he loves me.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, WILBUR THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS WHEN WE GO DOWN" the ride slowed down and I see tommy finally breathing slower.

"you fucking asshole" then he tried hitting me but I grabbed both of his arms and put them behind his back. He tried biting me but he of course, failed. The ride started going faster so I let go of his arms hearing the blonde scream at the top of his lungs, just like someone was murdering him.

When the ride stopped I saw tommy looking at me with a pissed look.
"okay, next ride" I say looking at the boy. I grab his arm and drag him to a weird looking frog ride. We had to sit on one of the frogs legs and they were going up and down while moving to the front. Then after it was done with the front it moved backwards. But tommy thought it was a kids ride.

So he thankfully sat down happy that this one won't be too extreme. I sat down next to him grinning.
"why are you smiling?.. Wilbur? How does this ride works? Isn't it for kids?"
"oh tommy, little, naive tommy" and the frog's legs started going up and down, up and down while spinning.

"GET ME OFF OF THIS SHIT. I'M GOING TO CRY! GET ME OFF" tommy kept screaming as I was laughing the whole time. The frog stopped and just when he thought it was done it started going backwards.

"IT ISN'T DONE? WILBUR! I FUCKING HATE WILBUR" I hear tommy scream at the top of his lungs but nobody heard him. The music was loud enough to cover his voice.

When we got down tommy wanted to pick the next ride.
"wilbur, are you scared of any ride?"
"the hammer shit" the hammer thing was spinning and it made you sit upside down for like 10 whole seconds. Of course I'm scared of it, what if I fall off?

"that's where we're going" tommy said with a shit eating grin. Oh god he's making me go on the hammer.. I'll make him go on every single shit that exist here.

We had to sit down on the hammer but tommy was shorter than me. I had to pick him up and put him on his seat then jump to mine. We put the weird thing that was keeping us from falling and then I started begging that I won't fall off this thing. How was tommy scared of those things but not this?

He looked so happy while I looked like I was about to die. As soon as the hammer started moving I felt myself slip from my seat. But I actually wasn't slipping. It was just my anxiety trying to scare me. Tommy was laughing through the whole ride while I was screaming.

Something is wrong with this kid. So this is how he felt when I made him go on that roller-coaster. I still don't regret anything. When the ride stopped I went to the bathroom and threw up while tommy was trying to calm me down.

"you still want to make me go on every single one?"
"yes I want to see you happy, but also terrified"
"awwwh little wilby wants to see me happy?"
"did you just call me wilby? Did you just fucking call me wilby?"
"I-I did not call you wilby, shut the fuck up"
"awwh tommy, you can call me wilby if you want" I say making fun of me then ruffling his hair.

"shut the fuck up, I won't call you wilby"
"YES YES YES YES YES" we both run to that.

"5 dabloons" I give the person 5 dabloons and then see them putting the weird shit on tommy.
"LOOK WILBUR, I'M A CLAW" I laugh at the happy kid. As soon as tommy got into the cage where the plushies were in he grabbed as much as he could making sure to get a bee. Probably for tubbo, and a sheep, a blue one.

When he got out he had like 15 plushies. The person gave us a big bag for them.
Tommy came and handed me the blue sheep.
"this is for you! Give it a name"
"his name is friend"
"yes tommy, it's adorable" I smile at the blonde kid who goes in for a hug. I hug him tight making sure he knows I do care.

"wanna go get some slushies?" I ask and the boy's eyes went wide.
"yes please" he tries to hold the big bag but fails.

"give it here toms"
"nu uh, I'll hold it! I'm a big man" but after some time he looks at me..

"wilbur.. Can you hold the bag? Its kind of heavy"
"I thought you can hold it since you're a big man"
"shut the fuck up" I grab the bag with a shit eating grin and continue walking.


"can I have a cherries slushie and a blueberry one?"
"sure, it will be 10 dabloons" I hand the dabloons over and we go to sit down.

"yummy this is really good"
"ew, imagine liking cherries"
"whatever you say gremlin"

We kept drinking while talking and laughing.
"wilbur its getting late, shouldn't we head home?"
"you're right but-"
"of course I'm right, I'm always right"
"what I was trying to say is that we didn't do all the things we were supposed to do."
"we can do it another time"
"alright, let's go then" I get up and grab the bag while tommy kept saying how he should be the one holding.

"tommy, you can't hold it. You just asked me to hold it like 10 minutes ago"
"I'm a big man, and I can hold it"
"I'm holding it, end of discussion"
"fine!! God you're such a loser"
"yeah sure"


When we got home tommy carried the lego as I got the bag of plushies.
"can we build the lego?"
"of course" when we got inside we started building the lego slowly losing our voice from all the screaming.


-g̶o̶ t̶o̶ a̶n̶ a̶m̶u̶s̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ p̶a̶r̶k̶
-m̶a̶k̶e̶ t̶o̶m̶m̶y̶ g̶o̶ o̶n̶ a̶l̶l̶ t̶h̶e̶ s̶c̶a̶r̶y̶ r̶o̶l̶l̶e̶r̶-c̶o̶a̶t̶e̶r̶s̶
-e̶a̶t̶ i̶c̶e̶ c̶r̶e̶a̶m̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ t̶o̶m̶m̶y̶
-h̶a̶v̶e̶ f̶u̶n̶
-go to a cat cafe
-b̶u̶y̶ s̶w̶e̶e̶t̶s̶ a̶ l̶e̶g̶o̶


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