People Sometimes Need A Break, You Need One Too.

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I was watching a movie on my laptop when tommy woke up.

"oh, hi Tommy"
"what time is it?"
"uh 8 pm, what time did you go to sleep at last night?"
"5 am, I hope I pass the tests"
"how about we go and hang out tomorrow?"
"I probably have to study, sorry"
"come on dude. You need a break from college."

"okay fine, we can hang out after I'm done with my classes"
"great, you'll call me tomorrow when you're done"
"alright, I'll go take a shower" Tommy walks over to the bathroom and closes the door.

Now I have to think about something that we cant do. What can we do on Friday. Maybe he wants to go home! I could drive him. Or maybe an amusement park, we will have so much fun! He deserves all of this after all.

I wonder what his parents are like, he never told me anything about them. Maybe he forgot? I could do a list of what we could do.

I walk over to the kitchen holding a paper and a pen. I sit on the chair and start thinking.


-take tommy to see his parents
-go to an amusement park
-make tommy go on all the scary roller-coasters
-eat ice cream with tommy
-have fun
-meet Tommy's parents
-go to a cat cafe
-buy sweets and lego's

The paper is full. We're going to have so much fun. I bend the paper and put it under the bed. He doesn't need to know about it. Tomorrow is going to be so much fun. Tommy comes out of the bathroom. He has a hoodie on and his pijama. He always wears hoodies.

I wont ask him about it

He sits on his bed and lets out a sigh.
"what's up?"
"nothing actually. I'm glad I have no homework this time"
"do you have coke?"
"want me to go get some?"
"nah, it's fine, we'll get tomorrow" only if he knew how busy we're going to be.
"yeah sure" I whisper under my breath, making sure he doesn't hear.

"what did you just say?"
"nothing nothing" I grinned at him and then turned my laptop off. I put it under my bed and head to sleep.
"goodnight, Tommy"
"night night, wilbur"

And we both fall asleep.


"wilbur, come pick me up"
"coming" and then I hung up. I can't wait to make this kid happy. I take the paper from under the bed and then leave. I meet with tommy. He is wearing some weird awkward glasses.

"Tommy take the glasses off"
"no, they are a part of me now" I take his glasses off and see his eye. This bitch had a black eye. His eye was so bruised.

"who the fuck punched you?"
"tell me the truth"
"I was playing fight with tubbo and he accidentally punched me too hard" I can tell he is not lying. He usually stutters.

"okay, but be careful next time"
"yup! Now what should we do?" I take the list out. Hmm.. We should eat ice cream.

"you'll see, come on"
"but what is on that list?" tommy said, putting his glasses back on
"something that is none of your business"
"come ooon!!! Tell me"
"nope, it's a surprise"

I start walking and he followed me. We soon started having a conversation about cats. He called them fluffy and cute. He said that he loves dogs too.

We enter the ice cream shop.
"what flavour?"
"alright, I'll be right back" I walk over to the lady who was selling ice cream.

"hello darling, what flavour would you like?" did she just call me darling? Maybe trying to be nice?..
"uh I would like a cone with cherries and one with blueberry."
"coming right up, handsome" oh god she's hitting up on me..

Tommy comes up to me.
"when will the ice cream be done?" he whispered to me.
"I have no idea" then the lady came with the ice creams.

She handed tommy the one with cherries and then gave me the other one.
"so.. Is the handsome guy your brother?" she asks Tommy staring into his soul.
"uh no? He is my roommate"
"oh that's cool.. Could you give me his number"
"I'm sorry, what?"

"how much is it gonna be?" I asked uncomfortably. I don't like this weirdo.
"free honey"
"uhm can.. Can you stop calling me names? It's making me uncomfortable" Tommy gives me a reassuring look then opens his mouth to talk.

"look, he doesn't like you. So you better stop flirting or whatever. You're making in uncomfortable and that's not nice." he is the best roommate.
"and how would you know that?" she looks upset..
"roommate telepathy" tommy said grinning.

"just tell me how much it costs"
"9£" I hand her the money and then we get out of there. I take out the list.


-take tommy to see his parents
-go to an amusement park
-make tommy go on all the scary roller-coasters
-e̶a̶t̶ i̶c̶e̶ c̶r̶e̶a̶m̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ t̶o̶m̶m̶y̶
-have fun
-meet Tommy's parents
-go to a cat cafe
-buy sweets and lego's

Great, now what's next? I'll take tommy to meet his parents now.
"tommy, I want to meet your parents"
"you just sounded like were dating"
"shut the fuck up, I want to know who's child I'm babysitting"
"uhm okay" he seemed a little nervous about it.. Is there something wrong?

We get into the car.
"woah you can drive?"
"yeah, so you have to tell me where they live"


"okay, now take a right" I take a right and then we stopped to a house. It was a big house.

"so uh.. This is where I was living"
"this house is huge"
"wil? Do we really have to.. You know.. Meet them again?"
"you.. You don't want to meet your parents?"
"they.. Wilbur they don't want me.." and I see tommy get sadder with every word he said.

"what do you mean?" I was so confused in that moment.
"wilbur they abused me.. Since I was little" and then I just realised that I'm such an idiot.

"Tommy I'm.. I'm so sorry, I didn't know"
"hey it's okay.." tommy said. He was still smiling. How? How can he always be happy? I take the list out and scribble all over the parents thing. We go back to the car.
We're going to the amusement park now. He needs to cheer up. I start driving.
"can I put music?"
"yeah sure, put whatever you want" tommy connects his phone to the car and starts playing sex sells.

We both start singing together. He is finally Having fun.


-go to an amusement park
-make tommy go on all the scary roller-coasters
-e̶a̶t̶ i̶c̶e̶ c̶r̶e̶a̶m̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ t̶o̶m̶m̶y̶
-h̶a̶v̶e̶ f̶u̶n̶
-go to a cat cafe
-buy sweets and lego's

I finally have ideas. Bro I need friends. I've been staying home all week.

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