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Tw: injuries, bullying.

Me tubbo and ranboo were walking to detention while talking and saying little jokes.

"toby, ranboo, where are you two going?"
"to the detention"
"you will be excused this time, let Thomas be alone"
"oh okay. Bye tommy"
"bye guys"

They couldn't come anymore, I guess I'm all alone. I keep walking there. I felt dizzy. God I should've taken some sweets with me.

I get into the classroom and I see only older people. Oh well, I don't give a shit. Maybe I'll even make friends. I go sit in the back alone. I don't want any trouble. The teacher left the class, I have no idea why, but she did. So a boy came in the back to talk to me.

"hey you, skinny kid" he said looking at him.
"yes you, what did you do to get in detention?"
"I was late to class"
"boring. Also I have a question. Do you normally eat? Or do you just starve?"
"excuse me?"
"well look how skinny you are" what is going on right now? Is this prick literally bullying me?

"okay so what if I'm skinny? At least clothes fit me unlike you"
"you little prick"
"I'm clearly taller than you, does that make you jealous?"

"oh I'll show you"
"jared no. The teacher will come, just do it after detention, you'll get in more trouble"
"you're lucky kid"
"I'm not a fucking kid idiot. I'm not even scared of you. All you know is being a dick, trying to make people feel bad about themselves. Just because you hate yourself doesn't mean you have to make people relate to you"

He was coming closer to me ready to do whatever he wanted to do.
"also who the fuck names their kid jared? Your mum really must hate you, don't you think?"

"jared the teacher is coming, sit down"
"yeah jared, sit down." and the ugly bitch sat down.

I was almost falling asleep till detention ended. I got out of the classroom and immediately pinned against the lockers.

"what will you do now, Skinny kid?"
"probably hold my breath because, jeez you clearly don't know what a toothbrush is"
"you fucking bitch" then the prick punched me.

No one's pov

Tommy was getting punched. His body was aching but he was ignoring it all. With his nose bleeding and with a black eye he went to the dorm. Opened the door and suddenly saw wilbur worried coming towards him.

Wilbur's pov

Tommy just walked in. When I saw him I went next to him with the most worried look.
"tommy, what happened?"
"I.. I uh.. I fell down the stairs"
"who did this to you? Stop lying to me"
"I fell down the stairs, I swear"
"okay fine, come on lets get the blood off."
"why do you care?"
"who said I do?" I said in a mean way, seeing the boy get sadder made me feel a little mean. I don't give a shit though. He is not my friend, I don't care about him.

"just leave it. I'll clean the blood my own" tommy said going to the bathroom. Well I guess he finally got the idea. He finally understood that I do not care.

I go sit on my bed and started thinking about what I said.. Maybe I was too mean.. I do care though..

I see tommy going straight to the kitchen and getting food out. I went into the kitchen and saw him struggle to eat.

"are you forcing yourself to eat?"
"yeah. Someone called me too skinny"
"Tommy, I swear to god I'm going to beat up the person that said that"
"and since when do you care? You don't give a shit about me, so stop trying to make me think that again" I could see tommy being slightly different and cold. Maybe I was a bitch after all..

I went into the bedroom and sit in my bed, getting ready to sleep.
I see tommy coming over to my bed.
"I'm sorry.. I was mean.. I just.. I.. I'm sorry"
"it's okay dude.. I was mean too. I do care"
"awwh wilbur cares"
"shut up"
"well goodnight, wilbur."
"night tommy."
"you're supposed to say goodnight"
"what if I don't?"

"I'll be mad at you, and I'll never talk to you ever again"


"night tommy"
"I fucking hate you"

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