03 | Project

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Sienna's POV

I wait for Cheryl to finally get her ass to the lunch. I grabbed lunch for her too. I stare at my tray.

"I'm here! I'm here!" I look up and see Cheryl breathing heavily. She sits in front of me on the other side of the table. I push her tray towards her.

She nods in gratitude. "What got you all... Umm..." I gesture to her. Not being able to find words.

She sighs. Throwing her hair behind her shoulder. "I got stopped by Mr. Winter." She drinks her apple juice.

I begin eating my lunch. "What did he want?"

She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "College application."

I frown. "You don't know where to go?"

She shrugs, starting to eat her lunch too. "To be honest I thought it would be easier but it isn't. I don't know what to do later on with my life."

I tap her on arm with my index finger. She looks up at me. I smile. "We can look together at colleges later, okay?"

She beams and enthusiastically nods. "That would be awesome."

After our little conversation, we fall into silence, enjoying our lunch and just the presence of each other.

Cheryl is friends with popular kids, a good friend actually. But she prefers our kind of lunches and me of course. I do too. Their table is full of everyone talking. We sat with them a few times but both I and Cheryl didn't feel comfortable. We just wanted to eat.

After we ate more than half of our lunch I speak up. "Did you find out who is your partner for the project?"

She grimaces. "Oh, you bet I did."

"Spill it out then."

"Dominic." She gestures to a table behind me.

I look behind me. Sitting at the table are a few of the football players with Kane too. Beside him sits Dominic the football player. His dark brown hair fell into his also dark brown eyes while he was talking with others.

"He is okay... But he isn't exactly the type that gives a shit for grades and that bothers me. I don't find that attractive most of the time."

I turn to her with raised brows.

"Not you though! Fuck, you are hella attractive to me." She swiftly adds with a grin.

I shake my head, finding it amusing.

She sighs. "Considering he is half Asian you would think he would be smart."

"Isn't that like racists?" I drink my water.

She cringes. "I hope not."

We fall silent once again but it doesn't last long since I begin to grin like a psycho.

Cheryl looks at me with a timid expression. "What is wrong with you?"

"Don't you see how cute that is? All of the stories start with two singles being paired for a project." I mock her from earlier, my grin not dropping.

"Hey! Don't use my weapon against me!"

I laugh. "Isn't it like medicine, not a weapon?"

"Doesn't matter!"

"I don't think so."

We both look around, some students close to our table look at us warily at the mention of a weapon.

Cheryl shields her face with her palms. "Oh my God."

I finish my lunch, Cheryl still hiding from embarrassment.

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