Day 2 - Snooze

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Makoto Naegi was the Ultimate Lucky Student at Hope's Peak Academy, and had been a member of it's 78th class of Ultimate Students. While he used to feel out of place, since everyone in his class felt like they lived in a totally different world from him, for the past year that he'd been attending the academy, the young man had gotten used to living amongst lions.

He had really believed that at this point, if something ridiculous and wild happened; something that no one would normally believe to be possible, by this point in time, he'd be able to shrug it off like it was nothing and treat it completely normally.

In a way, this was a good thing, since it made him feel like he really was a part of the family. However, while Makoto believed he could handle whatever came his way, he certainly wasn't prepared for the surprising challenge that came onto him that cold night.

Not the destruction of a building through the power of someone taking a shit.

Not a super rocket-powered motorcycle coming roaring down his street...

Nothing quite so extreme, no...For this moment in time...

He was sharing a bed with a girl...

While attending Hopes Peak Academy, Makoto lived at home with his family. His mother, his father, and a younger sister by one year named Komaru. It was currently a Tuesday night, which meant that he had to get up early and go to school in the morning, so he had turned in early to get a good amount of rest before the morning broke. The rest of his family had also gone to rest, with the only sound heard that night being Komaru's gentle, yet pretty loud, snoring.

This wasn't enough to get Makoto to awake though. After all he was used to it. But he quickly stirred awake when he suddenly heard the sound of something vibrating on the bedside table next to him. His eyes opened lazily, and he saw his smartphone glow.

"I really need to learn to turn this thing off at night..." he groaned. He sat up, reached over and picked the phone up to check who was ringing him so late at night. The surprise of the callers name however, was enough to wake him completely.


Kyoko Kirigiri. Makoto's female classmate, attending the academy as the Ultimate Detective. She was pretty famous around the school, even as an Ultimate for two main reasons. Firstly, her cool beauty and mysterious personality made her a popular topic of gossip, and the other was the rumor about her relationship with Jin Kirigiri, Hopes Peak's current headmaster.

Makoto paused for a moment as he listened out for Komaru's snoring, and made sure the rest of his family were asleep before he answered the phone with a whisper.

"Hello? Is that you Kirigiri-san?" he asked.

"Naegi-kun. Thank goodness you picked up.} her cool, calm and collected voice spoke through the phone, however, it sounded unusually timid in this moment "I'm sorry to call you now. I know it's late."

"No, no, it's ok." Makoto crossed his legs and laughed comfortably, "is everything ok? You sound very...uh...nervous? Are you nervous? Am I reading the room right?"

"I don't know if I would call this feeling "nervous" per se, but I am calling because I need your help," she explained, "I'll be blunt. Can I come over to your house?"

"Huh!?" Makoto gasped, louder than he meant to, his heart sinking in fear that he had woken his sister up. Fortunately, Komaru could still be heard snoring up a storm from her bedroom, so he was in the clear for the moment. He turned his head back to his phone and asked, "why? A-Are you ok? You're not in any trouble, are you?"

Naegiri Week 2022 (Creepercraftguy)Where stories live. Discover now