Day 5 - Autumn

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"'re gonna have to repeat it for me one more time because I'm just confused..." Toko Fukawa, the Ultimate Writing Prodigy stood in the middle of the school dorms hallway, staring up and down at Kyoko Kirigiri's figure in front of her, "so I'm just going to ask once more...Why are you covered in g-glitter?"

Toko's words were indeed true. Kyoko Kirigiri, the usually elegant straight-postured and maturely dressed detective looked very out of character. Instead of wearing her casual clothes or her uniform, she stood in the hallway, wearing shorts, a black crop-top and with glitter smothered in her hair.

Which was not a good look for her. Even someone scruffy like Toko couldn't help but point it out.

"If you must hear it again, I'll give you the quick version," Kyoko grumbled, clearly just as happy about her situation as you'd expect her to be, "I have a date with Makoto at the park in a bit. Sayaka dragged me up to her room an hour beforehand and invited all the other girls to "help" me pick a good outfit for it. As you can see, things went wrong, and they ended up doing the exact opposite of that."

"That still doesn't explain the glitter..." Toko snarked.

"Komaru thought the outfit Hina picked for me needed to be more sparkly, so she tried throwing a glitter bomb on it. That's why I'm like this..." Kyoko explained.

"K-Komaru's here too?" Toko asked.

"Yes, Sayaka invited her over." Kyoko said, "I thought she would come to see you. In fact, I'm surprised you weren't there."

"Psh! Yeah right!" Toko snapped, "what makes you think I would go to a dress-up party!? Like hell I'd want to help you with your stupid date! Wh-What, you think b-because I write r-r-romance novels I know wh-what the ideal d-date outfit is!? Is that it!?"

"Well...I did somewhat think that..." Kyoko admitted, "but I certainly didn't say anything of the sort...Apologies if I wasted your time Toko, but I have about 20 minutes left before I'm supposed to meet with Makoto-AH!?"

Kyoko started to walk past Toko, carrying her glitter soaked clothes, until the author suddenly grabbed her sleeve and pulled her away. Toko thrusted open the door to her room and practically chucked Kyoko inside.

"What the hell are you-UMPH!?" Kyoko snapped, but suddenly Toko threw something at her that hit her and smothered her face. Kyoko grabbed whatever it was that she had tossed and took a look at it. To her surprise, it was a flannel checkered-pattern dress, in pristine condition. Toko also reached into her wardrobe and pulled out some more clothing items. A pair of jeans, a shirt, a white undershirt and a black hat.

"M-My shower still works even is I don't use it," Toko pointed to it, "clean yourself up and put that on so I can fix you up some time BEFORE fucking tomorrow?"

"Toko..." Kyoko was touched by the act of kindness, but Toko still wasn't willing to accept it.

"D-Don't go getting all m-mushy on me!" she snapped, "i-if you hadn't b-brought up Komaru I wouldn't have bothered. If you're an e-embarrassment, her brothers an embarrassment, and if her brother's an embarrassment, K-Komaru herself is an embarrassment! She doesn't need to be more of an emb-barassm-ment than she already is!"

" that case, I'll ask this." Kyoko placed the dress down neatly on the desk, "why is there a set of boys clothes with the exact same pattern here?"

"D-Don't you know?" Toko chuckled, "it's a thing c-corny c-couples like you guys do when they go on dates. Th-They wear m-matching clothes so that they c-can brag about th-their relationship to everyone without needing to s-say anything."

"Uh-huh..." Kyoko frowned, "'re saying that this getup won't be as effective on it's own until I convince Makoto to wear the other one?"


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