Chapter 1

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"And that night, I came home King of Arendelle," King Ross said.

The king's candle cast flickering shadows on his face as he told his story to his young sons, Harry and Ashton. The boys were huddled together on Ashton's bed with their mother, Queen Ariana, listening to every word their father said, their eyes wide and their mouths hanging open. Their mother drew them close to her, all three of them gathered under the comforting weight of her burgundy scarf.

"Whoa, Papa, that was epic," Harry said, collapsing on the bed as he pictured everything that had happened. "Whoever saved you, I love them."

The king smiled at his little boy. "I wish I knew who it was."

"Were the Northuldra really magical?" Ashton wondered aloud. He didn't want to be anything like them. He couldn't imagine hurting his friends. "Like me?"

"No," King Ross assured him. "They were not magical. They just enjoyed the magic of the forest."

"What happened to the spirits? What's in the forest now?" Ashton wondered if anyone else had made it out after the spirits had gotten angry and turned on everyone.

"I don't know," King Ross replied. "The mist still stands. No one can get in, and no one has come out since."

Queen Ariana locked eyes with her husband, warning him to be careful with his words. She wanted to make sure their sons didn't feel scared. "So we're safe," he said.

"Yes," King Ross agreed. "But the forest could wake again, and we must be prepared for whatever danger it may bring."

Queen Ariana watched with a flood of worry wash over Ashton's face as his father's words, and she intervened. "On that note, how about we say good night to your father," she said. Both boys were much too young to think about fighting of any kind...especially when she was trying to get them to sleep. King Ross stood, and his face held an apology for his wife.

"Aw, but I still have so many questions," Harry said, pouting as his father kissed Ashton on the forehead.

"Save them for another night, Harry," he insisted.

"Urgh," he said in frustration. "You know I don't have that kind of patience." He looked pointedly at Ashton, who nodded, clearly agreeing with Harry about his lack of patience.

Harry closed his mouth tight and scrunched his face. His father kissed him on the forehead, knowing that was his version of trying. Then he walked out of the room. As soon as the door was shut, Harry started in with his question again.

"Why did the Northuldra attack us, anyway?" he asked his mother. "Who attacks people who give them gifts?"

"Do you think the forest will wake again? What would the spirits think of my magic?" Ashton asked, glancing up at his mother.

A soft look came across Ariana's face as her own memory from the past swept through her mind. "I wish I had the answers. Alas, only Ahtohallan knows."

"Ahto-who-what?" Harry asked.

Queen Ariana laughed as she smiled at the upturned face of her youngest son. "When I was little, my mother would sing a song about a special river called Ahtohallan, which was said to hold all the answers about the past," she said. "About what we are apart of."

The brothers looked at each other, and then two pairs of big blue eyes stared up at the queen. (A/N: just pretend that Ashton has blue eyes in this story, even though he doesn't in real life).

"Will you sing it for us, please?" Ashton asked.

Ariana looked toward the door, debating whether she should humor her sons. After deciding there was no harm in letting the boys hear the song, she nodded to them. "Okay. Cuddle close. Scooch in," she said, pulling Ashton and Harry to her, tucking them all back under the scarf.

Queen Ariana's voice was low and warm as she sang the lullaby her mother had sung to her. It was the sound of love in the boys' ears, and Harry was fast asleep even before the song was done. The queen picked Harry up gently, cradling him as she carried him across the room. She placed Harry softly on his own bed and pulled up the covers, tucking him in tight. Queen Ariana returned to Ashton just as she finished the song.


Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a river full of memory
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river all is found

In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far or you'll be drowned

Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear
And in her song, all magic flows
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the river knows?

Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come, my darling, homeward bound
When all is lost, then all is found

"Now sleep, my little snow," she said, kissing both of Ashton's hands.

The queen fluffed Ashton's pillows, stroked her son's long hair, and picked up the candle that flickered on the bedside table.

"Mother?" Ashton said as the queen touched the door of the room. "Do you think Ahtohallan knows why I have magical powers?"

His mother didn't answer immediately. She thought carefully before she spoke. "If Ahtohallan is out there," she said finally, "I imagine it knows that and much more."

Ashton leaned heavily into his pillow. "Someone should really try to find it."

Queen Ariana's smile was bittersweet as she stepped into the hallway and closed the door behind her.

With the echo of his mother's lullaby in his ears, Ashton drifted off to sleep. He dreamed about finding Ahtohallan, and learning the answer to every question she'd ever had...and the answers to some of his brother's questions, too.
All of Arendelle was silent, and the night was still– even in the castle—until Harry tiptoed across the rugs of his bedroom floor. It took the five-year-old more than one try to pull himself onto his brother's bed. But once he had made it, he crawled over and shook Ashton's shoulder.

"Ashton," Harry said in what he thought was a whisper but what was really the furthest thing from one. "Psst, Ashton. Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Ashton hated to be awakened. It made him grumpy. "Harry," he protested, turning his back on his brother and tugged his covers up under his chin, "go back to sleep."

"I just can't," Harry complained, flopping on the bed like a young child who hadn't gotten his way...and who refused to give up. "The sky's awake. So I'm awake. So we have to play."

Harry looked out the window at the dancing greens and blues of the Northern Lights that dominated the night sky. Then he looked back at his brother, who had buried himself under the covers. He poked Ashton. He prodded him. He even tried to pull his blankets off.

"If I agree to play with you for a little bit, will you let me sleep as long as I want when we are done?" said Ashton's muffled voice from beneath the blankets.

"Yes!" Harry agreed enthusiastically, nodding.

Even with Harry tugging at him, Ashton was a reluctant partner. He rubbed his eyes and dragged his feet as his brother pulled him to the Great Hall—and then his ice magic came out and a new chapter began for them.

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