Chapter 3

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Harry walked along the edge of the village and took a deep breath of the fresh autumn air as a bright red leaf blew her. It was the perfect day to find the perfect pumpkin. He saw one of his favorite friends up ahead, and he couldn't help the huge smile that took over his face.

"Enjoying your new permafrost, Calum?" he asked the talking snowman, who was sunbathing happily amid the pumpkins in the patch with a satisfied grin on his face.

"I'm just living the dream, Harry," he said, reaching out to catch the same brilliant red leaf as it flew by him. "Oh, how I wash this could last forever."

Harry closed his eyes as she took a moment to let the warm sunshine wash over his body. "Mmmm." Suddenly remembering why he had come to the patch in the first place. Harry opened his eyes and set out searching for the perfect pumpkin. It had to have no holes or cuts. He also wanted one with a nice thick green stem. And maybe one that wasn't lopsided. Harry bent to knock on one with his knuckles. It sounded hallow. He didn't remember whether that meant the pumpkin was good or bad, but she supposed it really didn't matter, since they weren't planning to eat it. Still, she kept looking.

"And yet change mocks us with her beauty," Calum said.

"What's that?" Harry asked, carefully inspecting each pumpkin he passed. One had a bug hole. And the one next to that wasn't quite the right orange for a perfect pumpkin.

"Forgive me. Maturity is making me poetic," he mused. "Tell me—you're older and thus all-knowing. Do you ever worry about the notion that nothing is permanent?"

"Nope," he answered right away, but he was only half listening. The perfect pumpkin was proving to be rather hard to find.

"Really," he said, bewildered by his response. "Wow. I can't wait until I'm aged like you, so I don't have to worry about important things."

Taking a break from his pumpkin hunt, Harry concentrated on Calum's question. "That's not what I mean," he explained. "I don't worry, because...well, I have you and Ashton and Luke and Sven, and the gates are open wide, and I'm not alone anymore—" He layed down next to him, his head cradled in his arms, and looked up at the bright blue sky, wondering how to explain his thoughts to his friend. He had an idea and sat up, motioning to a rotting pumpkin in the patch. He explained that one day it would become fertilizer to help other pumpkins grow. But Calum still wasn't sure what he was saying.


Yes, the wind blows a little bit colder
And we're all getting older
And the clouds are moving on with every autumn breeze
Peter Pumpkin just became fertilizer


And my leaf's a little sadder and wiser


That's why I rely on certain certainties
Yes, some things never change
Like the feel of your hand in mine
Some things stay the same

Harry and Calum:

Like how we get along just fine


Like an old stone wall that'll never fall
Some things are always true
Some things never change
Like how I'm holding on tight to you

Taking his hand, Harry pulled him to his feet. They left the pumpkin patch—and right next to the gate was the perfect pumpkin. Harry grabbed it and held it as he and Calum walked along the road into town. He tried to explain that while some things in the world changed, other things didn't—those things could be counted on to always stay the same. Harry hoisted his perfect pumpkin onto a cart led by a gray horse driven by a gray-haired villager. She waved at the driver as he headed toward town.

A big family, full of grandparents, babies, and other children, called a greeting to Harry and Calum. Calum wanted to point out to Harry that the people in the family had changed—some had grown old, and new members had been born. But before he began to speak, Harry pulled him over to a house that was being painted.

"Don't you love this color?" he said. Harry asked the painter the name of it while Calum tried to say that the house had been white and was now being painted blue, so that was changing as well.

Harry didn't hear him. "See, Calum?" he said with a smile, taking his hand in his. "Some things never change."


The leaves are already falling
Sven, it feels like the future is calling

Luke (as Sven):

Are you telling me tonight you're gonna get down on one knee?

Luke (as himself):

Yeah, but I'm really bad at planning these things out
Like candlelight and pulling of rings out

As Sven:

Maybe you should leave all the romantic stuff to me

As himself:

Yeah, some things never change
Like the love that I feel for her
Some things stay the same
Like how reindeers are easier
But if I commit and I go for it
I'll know what to say and do

As Sven:

Some things never change

As himself:

Sven, the pressure is all on you


The winds are restless
Could that be why I'm hearing this call?
Is something coming?
I'm not sure I want things to change at all
These days are precious
Can't let them slip away
I can't freeze this moment
But I can still go out and seize this day


The wind blows a little bit colder


And you all look a little bit older


It's time to count our blessings

Harry and Luke:

Beneath an autumn sky


We'll always live in the kingdom of plenty
That stands for the good of the many


And I promise you the flag of Arendelle will always fly


Our flag will always fly


Our flag will always fly (Our flag will always fly)


Some things never change
Turn around and the time has flown
Some things stay the same
Though the future remains unknown
May our good luck last
May our past be past
Time's moving fast, it's true
Some things never change


And I'm holding on tight to you


Holding on tight to you


Holding on tight to you


Holding on tight to you


I'm holding on tight to you

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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