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— ITWAS NOW TIME FOR THE UA EXAMS, Y/n was now in the habit of waking up early now.
So she had time to cool her nerves before the exams, she would say she was little nervous. She was now thinking she should have accepted All Might's offer to take the recommendation exam instead.
She left her house, to start walking to U.A she was caught by a red-eye boy.
"I forgot you were applying for U.A, since we never talk anymore." He said.
"It hasn't been that long I've been busy training."
Bakugou had asked Y/n to train with her many time these past 10 months, but she declined since she was already waking up at 5:00 am to train with All Might and Izuku.
"I asked you to train a bunch!" He slightly yelled.
"Calm down it's too early for all that."
"What training were you doing that you couldn't do with me?" He lowered his voice.
"Stuff, stop asking about it; training season is over." Y/n surmised.
They were waking in silence for awhile, when they both saw a green haired boy talking to a brunette girl.
"That damn nerd! What is he doing here?!" He bellowed.
"You didn't know, I thought it was obvious Izuku wanted to be a hero." I said.
"Izuku?" Bakugou mumbled turning his head towards you, "Izuku?" He said louder. "Since when did you start calling him Izuku again, you've called him Midoryia for years now!"
Y/n shrugged her shoulders. "Just slipped out."
Bakugou shot a glare at the back of her head.
He didn't want to assume anything, but Y/n not talking to him often anymore and calling Deku, Izuku. It was just like when they were kids again.
Y/n picked up her pace walking in the building, Bakugou following behind her.
• • • •
It seemed like almost everyone that dreamed of going here was there. It was so crowded she couldn't even see Bakugou or Izuku now.
A large screen was infront of them to show them how the exams will work. When the pro-hero Present Mic came up to explain.
She assumed she was stuck sitting by 2 friends, since they wouldn't shut up. She was fighting the urge to get up and leave, and forget her plan to be a hero.