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— EVERY CLASS 1-A STUDENT'S SCREAMS, could be heard through probably the whole camp.
Ochako throwing up in some hamster ball, Bakugou blasting explosions in the air, Tokoyami trying to contain dark shadow in a cave, and Y/n shooting electricity at a dummy over and over.
Y/n shook her hands, Mr. Aizawa had her doing this since he thought she needed more control on a target.
Blasting the dummy again, her hand had a sudden pain and like at the sports festival her electricity was black.
This time it didn't stop, and she seemed to not be able to stop her quirk from her right hand. Using her left hand she kept hitting her right wrist, that's when she looked for Mr. Aizawa.
"Mr. Aizawa!" She yelled out, still keeping her hand on the dummy
"Aizawa!" Her yelling caught the attention of the ash-blonde boy, who saw Mr. Aizawa standing near Todoroki.
"SENSEI!" He shouted, making the man turn around. Bakugou pointed towards Y/n, whose hand was swinging all of the place.
He quickly ran over there and activated his quirk to stop hers, her eyes were widen and her hand felt like it was on fire.
"Ow- fuck, " She looked up at the raven haired man, "Sorry, what was that?" She asked holding her hand with her other hand.
"We talked about this with Karou, it happened during the sports festival," He said, making the girl furrowed her eyebrows.
"It happened at the sports festival? I didn't notice then"
"Well it seemed to be a short wave of it, Endeavor and Mr. Nezu seemed to think your quirk is still growing." He explained to the girl.
"When your palms were tearing, your quirk was too strong for you. Either your gloves are working or you're getting stronger for your quirk" Aizawa told
"I hope it's the second one.." Y/n mumbled, "that hurt like hell."
"Maybe you should calm down on your training, then Karou can help with this." He says.
Y/n nodded her head, taking off her gloves to look at her hands. She noticed that her blood was black again, she looked back up at Aizawa.
"Is my quirk like killing me?" She hesitates to asks.
Mr. Aizawa looks at his student for some time, "We're not sure, but that's probably not what's happening."