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Aprodite has yet to meet a man that she couldn't tame. She was known for her sexual prowess both the heavenly and the earthly realm. She had her fill of Gods in her realm. She had grown bored of having the same effect on every man that she had ever met.

All she had to do was the better eyelashes and most times she didn't even have to work so hard. Exhibit A and Exhibit B in the forms of Ares and Eros stood in the temple with her on the altar as their sacrifice.

And man did they treat her like one.

Eros, with his blunt here and eternally glowing skin, contrasted Ares dark hair, who were both contenders to her heart, not that they could ever tame her. And Eros' tongue circled around her nipple, she felt empty.

She was so close to coming in his mouth and she did chase that on attainable high, but they just didn't make her feel what she wanted to feel. She knew they weren't her meet but that didn't stop her from wanting at least one of them to be.

"Stop, that will be all for today."

Aphrodite said us both men looked at her in disbelief. She had never stopped them in the middle of a session before.

"What's wrong, did we hurt you?"

Eros asked as Aphrodite shook her head. She couldn't voice the real reason why she had asked them to stop. She felt nothing, absolutely nothing.

Even when their tongue caressed the most intimate and sensitive areas on her body. She felt nothing... Was there something wrong with her, or was it that something was wrong with them.

She didn't think she was going to get her answer tonight.


Aphrodite commanded as both men stopped and looked at her trying to assess her reasoning. She didn't want them to feel better that he couldn't please her, it wasn't their fault... At least not entirely.

She dismissed them and started to pace her hall. Hairless a piece of Olympus was decorated to her taste, with pink purple and white running as the main theme. Huge rooms with California king sizes bed, and not to mention men and women sprawl over them, naked and engaging in sexual activites of every sort and kind

(Orgies require a lot of space)

And even with her bed crawling with more persons than she cared the count or remember, she was still alone, lonely. Just as she moved to get off the bed, she felt her necklace snap and fall to the ground as if in slow motion.

Her necklace wasn't just a piece of jewelry. It was a statement piece of her power. This necklace was passed on from Aprodite to the next over the course of a millennium.

Gods are next to immortal but, there had been recorded cases where Gods decide to end their lives by becoming transcendent. She picked up the jewelry and stared at it for a very long time. There's was only one person that she knew could fix this.

A God who preferred the realm of humans.

'How strange the thought was?' Aphrodite he had finally gather her courage. She needed this necklace fixed as quickly as possible. There wasn't any price she wasn't willing to pay.


Hephaestus hammered the bolts he had to deliver it to Zeus. That was just one of the things he had to do today, he still had to repair Artemis' bow, Hermes' shoes, Poseidon's trident, and the list goes on and on.

If it was metallic, he could bend it to his will. He and metal had an understanding which he enjoyed far more than he enjoyed in human contact. Suicide agreed to give him his own corner of the universe, one where he would have to mingle with members of "that society". Even though he was a major God he played in the minor leagues, not that he minded.

"Excuse me."

The voice went through his subconsciousness like a knife through butter. He turned to look at a funeral adventure note from the heights to Grace's presence. 'She wants something.' Of that Hephaestus was sure. But what exactly she wanted was left to be seen. It wasn't every day that the Queen of amphoral beauty graces his presence.

Hephaestus thought as he wondered if he ignored her long enough then she would get the message and just leave him alone. She was a pretty little thing thou, average height of 6ft but then again that was nothing compared to his 8ft height, and he was among the shortest of the Gods. 

Aphrodite took in the appearance of the man in front of her. If she was judging up just by appearances, then she would have run a hundred paces in the opposite direction. If she had the slightest feeling of danger, she had told herself that she would tuck tail and run. 

In contrast, she felt the safest she had ever felt in her life.

Living in Olympus had also thought her that beauty was more than skin deep. Some of the Gods, shined more radiantly that the sun, and yet, they engage in heinous act that would male one's stomach turn. She had heard the rumor surrounding him. The rumors say that he was so ugly, that his mother took one look at him and tossed him back into the River Euphrates.

How heartless such a woman must have been to be able to commit such a heinous act. If she had a child, she wouldn't give a rat's ass what he looks like, all she would want to know is how to love her child in the way he or she wants.

The only persons who had ever been kind to him, was ironically Hades, his adopted father. Hades had saved him from certain death, and had given him a purpose in life, the wielder of iron, and for that he will be eternally grateful.

"How can I help you Little Miss, are you lost?"

Hephaestus asked as Aphrodite fumed at him. 'Who the hell does he think he is, that he can go around and address her as Little Miss, she is the Goddess of love for fuck's sake.' Her statue, her gorgeous double E tits (and yes, they had to add another cup to the scale for her), perfectly sculptured ass, there was no part of her body that was considered to be small.

"I beg your pardon. My name is Aphrodite, which I'm sure even a hermit like you should know. I need you to fix this."

Aphrodite said shoving a pendant into his face. Hephaestus took it from her, briefly scanning it, and handed it back to her. It was an easy fix, but she didn't know that. He wondered how far she would actually go to get this pendant fix. He could use this to his advantage.

"I'll fix it for you, but it's going to cost you."

Hephaestus said as Aphrodite huffed. Of course, he knew that she was rich. That was what she got for looking like million boxes. And know she was going to have to sing for her supper as they would say. He was just like every other male. There were only two things' men ever wanted from her: money, or sex, and 9 out of 10 times it is the latter.

"How much gold are we talking, or do you want me to fuck you as payment?"

Aphrodite asked Hephaestus was truly taken aback. How often was she used and abused for her beauty, was her body, or her gold the only way she was valued on Olympus.

"Neither all it will require is your time. It will take me three days to fix your necklace, and in those three days I want you by my side. as I do so. After that, your debt will be considered repaid."

Hephaestus said as Aphrodite took a look at the man again. The inner workings of his mind was truly a wonder and she had to admit that she was more than curious to try and figure him out. she had never found herself attracted to anyone like she was Hephaestus, he was an itch that she couldn't quite scratch, and display her wariness of him, the necklace was worth it to her.

"72 hours, no more, no less. I will get my things and meet you here."

Aphrodite said as she turned and walked away.

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